Truck Business US 17

Truck Business US 17

Truck Business US 17

location=Elizabeth City, North Carolina
location=Elizabeth City, North Carolina
Truck Business US 17 is a classification that appears to be unique to Elizabeth City, North Carolina.

In 2002 a new US 17 Bypass was completed west of Elizabeth City, offering a shortcut to motorists wishing to avoid the often congested former bypass, being that NCDOT had failed in 1969 to acquire right-of-way giving rise to commercial strips along the route. The old Hughes Boulevard bypass was stripped of its Bypass classification and demoted to simply (Main-line) US 17.

The alignment of US 17 Business along Ehringhaus and Road Streets, in place since at least the late 60s to early 1970s remained in place, as did the alignment of US 158 entering the city from the Camden Causeway to the east, following Elizabeth Street downtown and joining Main-line US 17 north out of the city.

Interestingly, a fourth classification for US 17 emerged within Elizabeth City in the form of Truck Business US 17, which follows the above route of US 158 from the Camden Causeway, having its northern terminus where US 17 Business re-merges with the Main-line US 17.

[Signage along route.]

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