Adolph Giesl-Gieslingen

Adolph Giesl-Gieslingen

Adolph Giesl-Gieslingen (7 September 1903 - 11 February 1992) was an Austrian locomotive designer and engineer.

Giesl-Gieslingen was born in 1903 in Trient, Tirol, and studied at the Technical High School in Vienna, where he received his diploma as an engineer in 1925. In the very same year he began working as a design engineer at the Floridsdorf locomotive factory, where he was involved in the construction of the Class 214. In 1929, the director, Arno Demmer, sent him to the USA, where he stayed until 1938. There he got to know his wife, whom he married in 1933 in New York. After his return is became Demmer's assistent and, after the Second World War, chief engineer of the Floridsdorf company. In 1946 he took up his post as honorary professor at the Technical High School in Vienna as the successor to Johann Rihosek. He developed the Giesl ejector for steam locomotives, which he patented and allowed to be sold by the Schoeller-Bleckmann works. Giesl later published several books on the subject of steam locomotive technology through the Viennese publishers of "Verlag Slezak". He died on 11 February 1992 in Vienna.


*"Lokomotiv-Athleten. Geschichte, Leistung und Kurvenlauf der Sechs- und Siebenkuppler",Verlag Slezak, Wien 1976, ISBN 3-900134-27-8
*"Die Ära nach Gölsdorf. Die letzten 3 Jahrzehnte des österreichischen Dampflokomotivbaus", Verlag Slezak, Wien 1981, ISBN 3-900134-37-5
*"Anatomie der Dampflokomotive International", Verlag Slezak, Wien 1986, ISBN 3-85416-089-5


*Ernst Kabelka, "In memoriam Professor Giesl-Gieslingen", in "Schienenverkehr aktuell", 4/1992, S. 8.
*Ingrid Trummer, Alexander Stollhof (Hrsg), "...Bei uns in der Lofag...", Erinnerungen an die Floridsdorfer Lokomotivfabrik - Wiens größter Industriebetrieb", Edition Volkshochschule, Wien 2005, ISBN 3-900799-67-9

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