List of non-sciences ending in -logy

List of non-sciences ending in -logy

The words in the following list have names formed with the suffix "-logy". They refer to kinds of speech, writing, collections of writing, or the like. Words ending in "-logy" which are "sciences" can be found in the list of sciences ending in -logy.


*Anthology, a collection of literary pieces (such as poems)
**a statement of regret
**an explanation for or justification of beliefs
*Arcology - enormous habitat (hyperstructure) of extremely high human population density
*Autology, the attribute (of a word) of being self descriptive. The word "polysyllabic" is autological because it is polysyllabic. (compare "heterology")


*Chronology is the arrangement or setting out of past events in order of occurrence; the recording of historical events in date sequence
*Cosmetology, the art and career of using cosmetics to improve beauty


*Dilogy isFact|date=September 2008
**ambiguous or equivocal speech, or
**a work composed in two parts (see trilogy)
*Docimology, a treatise on the art of testing, e.g. in assaying metals.Fact|date=September 2008
*Doxology, a spoken or sung end of a prayer


*Eulogy, a commemoration of a person's life at his/her funeral


*Hagiology is literature dealing with the life of a saint or, indeed, any revered person, a biography of an individual, rather than a study of "saints", sainthood or saintliness in general
*HeterologyFact|date=September 2008
**a dissimilarity of parts often attributable to a difference in origin
**the attribute (of a word) of not being self descriptive. The word "monosyllabic" is heterological because it is not monosyllabic (compare "autology")
*Homology, concept in anthropology, biology, algebraic topology, and sociology, meaning "likeness in structure"


*Ideology, sometimes spelled idealogy, is a system of ideas about politics, human life or culture


*Kibology, joke religion worshiping Kibo


*Menology, a register of months, or a calendar of the lives of the saints for each day of the year
*Monadology, a book by Leibniz on the study of his theory of monads


*Necrology, a list of people who have died, especially in the recent past or during a specific period


*Philology, the historical study of languages. This is not a "ology" in the strict sense, because it is not the study ("-ologia") of love ("philo-"), but the love ("philo-") of literature ("logia")
*Phraseology is the way words are put together, therefore the style being used in a sentence, or the set of phrases or the choice of words used by any particular group of people, or a type of register that reflects the form of language used in a certain social situation in which particular subjects are being discussed
*Piphilology seems to be a borderline case with some aspects of a field of study, but not a scientific discipline


*Reflexology, alternative method of massage, therapy or pressure on certain points of the sole of the feet as a means of relieving nervous tension


*Tautology, a self-affirming truth
*Terminology, a set of words and/or phrases, usually in relation to some particular canon or field of study e.g. 'mathematical terminology'
*Tetralogy of Fallot, an abnormality of the heart consisting of four deformities that often occur together
*Trilogy (although not strictly an "-ology") is a body of writing in three parts, as tetralogy is that in four parts. Other words such as pentalogy, hexalogy, heptalogy or "septology", octology, nonology, and dekology cover larger series.
*Tropology, the use of tropes in speech or writing

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