Sterling Betancourt

Sterling Betancourt

Sterling Betancourt (* 1st March 1930 in Laventille, Trinidad) is a pioneer, inventor and musician on the Steelpan.


Betancourt was born and raised in Laventille near Port of Spain. He was a steelpan tuner and member of the steelband "Crossfire". Betancourt was selected as a member of TASPO and toured England and Europe in 1951. He was the only musician of TASPO which remained in England. Together with Russell Henderson and Mervyn Constantine, Betancourt formed the first Steelband-Combo in England and performed all over London as well as in radio shows and jazz clubs.

Betancourt has been vitally involved in building up Notting Hill Carnival.

Sterling Betancourt was made Member of the British Empire in 2002. He lives in London.


* Felix I. R. Blake: The Trinidad and Tobago Steel Pan: History and Evolution. ISBN 0-952-55280-9


* The Steelband Movement: The Forging of a National Art in Trinidad and Tobago. By Stephen Stuempfle. (Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 1995)
* Carnival Club History by Dr. Lionel McCalman

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