Stick puzzle

Stick puzzle

Stick puzzles use sets of 'polysticks' (essentially one-dimensional objects) which have to be assembled into two- or three-dimensional configurations.

Polysticks are configurations of joined or unjoined thin (ideally one-dimensional) 'sticks'. The sticks may be matchsticks, or pieces of straw, wire or similar.

A special (and very old) class of stick puzzles are 'matchstick puzzles', where all parts used are sticks (usually matchsticks) rather than polysticks. Some (trick-)puzzles can only be solved when one assumes that the sticks actually have measurements in more than one dimension.

Examples of stick puzzles

* matchstick puzzles

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  • stick — I. /stɪk / (say stik) noun 1. a branch or shoot of a tree or shrub cut or broken off. 2. a relatively long and slender piece of wood. 3. an elongated piece of wood for burning, for carpentry, or for any special purpose. 4. a rod or wand; a baton …  

  • stick — stick1 stickless, adj. sticklike, adj. /stik/, n., v., sticked, sticking. n. 1. a branch or shoot of a tree or shrub that has been cut or broken off. 2. a relatively long and slender piece of wood. 3. a long piece of wood for use as fuel, in… …   Universalium

  • stick — I [[t]stɪk[/t]] n. 1) bot a branch or shoot of a tree or shrub that has been cut or broken off 2) a relatively long and slender piece of wood 3) a long piece of wood for use as fuel, in carpentry, etc 4) a rod or wand 5) a baton 6) brit. Chiefly… …   From formal English to slang

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