ISO/TC 211

ISO/TC 211

ISO/TC 211 is a standard technical committee formed within ISO, tasked with covering the areas of digital geographic information (such as used by geographic information systems) and geomatics. It is responsible for preparation of a series of International Standards and Technical Specifications numbered in the range starting at 19101.

Project specification areas within the ISO/TC 211 technical committee include:
* Simple feature access
* Reference models
* Spatial and temporal schemas
* Location-based services
* Metadata
* Web feature and map services
* Classification systems

The ISO/TC 211 work is closely related to the efforts of the Open Geospatial Consortium, and the two organizations have a working arrangement that often results in identical or nearly-identical standards often being adopted by both organizations.

External links

* [ ISO/TC 211 website]
* [ Overviews of ISO 19100 series]
* [ Open Geospatial Consortium]

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