


Fysicum is the Physics section of Lund University, Sweden

The Physical Institute (Fysicum) in Lund is a cooperative organization for nearly 300 scientists and educators and technical and administrative personnel. Main goals are to expand the understanding of physics, its applications and to share scientific progress to new generations. Fysicum also teach fundamental physics to over one thousand students each year.


Famous Scientists with activity at Fysicum:

Johannes Rydberg


Apart from education and research Fysicum also arranges seminars and colloquiums for the public. Among the most known and reappearing frequently is the Laser and Physics show which combines physical experiments on stage with a 15 minutes laser show making use of over 400 individual lasers.


Fysicum is well known within the scientific community primarily for its frontline research within:
Experimental High-Energy Physics

Mathematical Physics

Nuclear Physics

Synchrotron Radiation Physics

Atomic Physics

Combustion Physics

Mathematical Physics

Nuclear Physics

Solid State Physics

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