Lödöse Varv AB

Lödöse Varv AB

Lödöse Varv AB is a Swedish shipbuilder located in Lödöse, Sweden. [cite web |url=http://www.mareud.com/Uddevallarederier/rederi_castor.htm |title=M/S DAGÖ. (1950 - 1956) |accessdate=2008-10-01 |last= |first= |coauthors= |date= |work= |publisher=mareud.com] Its ships include the "MV Faina", recently captured by Somali pirates, as well as the "OT Rederierna" (now sailing as the "Marabou"), [cite web |url=http://www.shipspotting.com/modules/myalbum/viewcat.php?uid=5507 |title=Wholesale Boat Lifts |accessdate=2008-10-01 |publisher=shipspotting.com] the tanker "Akleja", [cite web |url=http://www.mareud.com/Photoexchange/tanker_exchange.htm |title=AKLEJA (SWE) |accessdate=2008-10-01 |publisher=mareud.com] the chemical tanker "Profesor K Bohdanowgz", [cite web |url=http://www.spanishshipping.com/mersey3/ProfesorKBohdanowigz.htm |title=PROFESOR K BOHDANOWIGZ |accessdate=2008-10-01 |publisher=spanishshipping.com] the "M/F Strada Corsara", [cite web |url=http://www.ferry-site.dk/ferry.php?id=7389194&lang=en |title=M/F Strada Corsara |accessdate=2008-10-01 |publisher=ferry-site.dk] and the "M/S Vallann". [cite web |url=http://www.faktaomfartyg.se/vallann_1972.htm |title=http://www.faktaomfartyg.se/vallann_1972.htm |accessdate=2008-10-01 |publisher=faktaomfartyg.se]


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