Jan Hoogstad

Jan Hoogstad

Jan Hoogstad (1930, Rotterdam), architect is one of the great Dutch architects. His most famous building is undoubtedly the VROM Building (Ministry of Housing) in The Hague. His most recent projects include the TNO-NiTG Building at the Utrecht Uithof complex and the Enschede Muziekkwartier. In addition to his architectural work, Jan Hoogstad gives frequent (guest) lectures at various national and international organizations and he is in much demand as a juror. Jan Hoogstad ranks among the International Academy of Architecture's Academitians' and is its vice-president for the Netherlands. He is also a founder and board member of the Megacities Foundation.

He is rewarded the Dutch Royal knight order "Officer in the order of Orange Nassau" and received the "Laurenspenning" of the city Rotterdam.

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