Komagawa Kaishin-ryū

Komagawa Kaishin-ryū

infobox koryu
nationality = Traditional Japanese martial art
school = Komagawa Kaishin-ryū

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founder = Komagawa Tarozaemon
founder dates =
period founded = Sometime in the Edo period (1603–1868)
date founded =
headmaster = Kuroda Tetsuzan, 15th soké.
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art1 = "Kenjutsu" - "ōdachi", "kodachi", "Nito"
description1 = Sword art; with long sword, short sword, and two swords.
art2 = "Naginatajutsu"
description2 = Glaive art
art3 = "Juttejutsu"
description3 = Truncheon art
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ancestors =Shinkage-ryū.
descendants = None.

Komagawa Kaishin-ryū was established by Komagawa Tarozaemon based on the Shinkage-ryū of Kamiizumi Ise no kami Nobutsuna [Tokitsu, Kenji(2005). "Miyamoto Musashi: His Life and Writings." Shambhala Publications, Inc. 278-279.] .


In 1767 Meiwa 2, a samurai by the name of Hujii Umon Naoaki, a loyal supporter of the Emperor, staged a revolt against the Tokugawa Shogunate. Naoaki, a practitioner of Komagawa Kaishin-ryū, was sentenced and executed for his crimes, along with Yamagata Daini. As such, Komagawa Kaishin-ryū was banned within every clan, its texts were burnt, and its name villified.

The Kuroda family practiced Komagawa Kaishin-ryū under the pseudonym of Yagyū Shinkage-ryū. [ [http://blog.360.yahoo.com/blog-snyPB7I9fqMXbU3dPRMU0N8-?cq=1&p=1309 "...his great-Grandfather answered:

once upon a time, there was sooo good swordsman in Edo.

his name was Hujii Umon Naoaki, loyal supporter of the Emperor.later he was excuted for crime of injury to the Majesty with Yamagata Daini in the so called "Meiwa incident ( Meiwa jiken) of 1767.Hujii Umon Naoaki was samurai who learned Kaishin ryu.Each clan shut Kaishin ryu out and burned up all text related to Kaishin ryu.and they changed even the Ryu's name.for these reasons, those who were learning Kaishin ryu couldn't say that this is Kiashin ryu.the Ryu that Grandfather of Kuroda sensei learned as Shinkage ryu was Kaishin ryu.] ]


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