

name = "Capriopholis"

image_caption =
image_width = 240px
regnum = Plantae
divisio = Magnoliophyta
classis = Magnoliopsida
subclassis = Asteridae
unranked_ordo = Euasterids I
ordo = Lamiales
familia = Orobanchaceae
genus = "Capriopholis"
genus_authority = C. A. Mey. ex Bong.

"Capriopholis" is a rare, small genus of flowering plants in the family Orobanchaceae.

Capriopholis thrives in arid, mountainous climates, and is primarily found in the Andes, but on rare occasion is found on other peaks untouched by man, such as K2, and on volcanos.

The flower is notable for its potent pollen, which contains a neurotoxic protein that binds with human fast twitch muscles, causing waggles and laughter. As capriopholis grows only on sheer, vertiginous surfaces, the combination of involuntary loss of motor control and spasmodic laughter is highly dangerous, and has contributed to several deaths.

Incan shamans are said to have used capriopholis to instill insanity in prisoners of war, who were then placed on rope bridges of the Qhapaq Ñan and allowed to waggle off the bridge, laughing as they plunged to their doom.


*Belousova, L.S. andLarisa Vasilʹevna Denisova. Translated by B. R. Sharma. "Rare Plants of the World". A.A. Balkema, 1993. ISBN 9789061914822.

*Dobyns, Henry F. and Paul L. Doughty. "Pharmacology of Endogenous Neurotoxins: A Handbook". Oxford University Press, 1976. Original from the University of Virginia. ISBN 97827489492.

*Roth, Ingrid and Helga Lindorf. "South American Medicinal Plants: Botany, Remedial Properties and General Use". Springer, 2002. ISBN 9783540419297.

External Sources

* [ A study on human protein neurotoxicity]

* [ Biomedical evidence for plant pollen-induced paroxysms]

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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