

Strangury is the painful passage of small quantities of urine which are expelled slowly by straining with severe urgency; it is usually accompanied with the unsatisfying feeling of a remaining volume inside and a desire to pass something that will not pass.

Definitions of the term tend to vary widely.

The pain is attributed to the irritation of urothelium (epithelium lining the urinary tract) and subsequent spasm of muscles. It is seen in numerous urological conditions including the following:

1. Urinary calculus (commonly and especially when a stone is impacted at a vesicouretheral junction)

2. Bladder inflammation (cystitis)

3. Bladder cancer

The pain is felt to arise in the suprapubic region and extend up to the root of the genitalia, and in cases of male patients, up to the tip of the penis.

Strangury can be treated with a common garden weed known as perslane according to M. Grieve in Modern Herbal.

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  • Strangury — Stran gu*ry, n. [L. stranguria, Gr. ?; ?, ?, a drop + ? to make water, ? urine: cf. F. strangurie. See {Strangle}, and {Urine}.] 1. (Med.) A painful discharge of urine, drop by drop, produced by spasmodic muscular contraction. [1913 Webster] 2.… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • strangury — [straŋ′gyə rē] n. [ME < L stranguria < Gr strangouria < stranx (gen. strangos), a drop, akin to strangos, twisted (see STRONG) + ouron,URINE] slow and painful urination, drop by drop …   English World dictionary

  • strangury — noun (plural ries) Etymology: Middle English, from Anglo French strangerie, from Latin stranguria, from Greek strangouria, from strang , stranx drop squeezed out + ourein to urinate, from ouron urine more at strain, urine Date: 14th century a… …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • strangury — /strang gyeuh ree/, n. Pathol. painful urination in which the urine is emitted drop by drop owing to muscle spasms of the urethra or urinary bladder. [1350 1400; ME < L stranguria < Gk strangouría, equiv. to strang(ós) flowing drop by drop +… …   Universalium

  • strangury — noun A frequent need to urinate, when the bladder is largely empty or with little urine production …   Wiktionary

  • strangury — Difficulty in micturition, with straining to void; urine may be passed intermittently with pain and tenesmus. [G. stranx (strang ), something squeezed out, a drop, + ouron, urine] * * * stran·gu·ry straŋ gyə rē, .gyu̇r ē n, pl …   Medical dictionary

  • strangury — stran·gu·ry || stræŋgjÉ™rɪ / jÊŠr n. slow and painful discharge of urine caused by muscular spasms (Pathology) …   English contemporary dictionary

  • strangury — [ straŋgjʊri] noun Medicine a painful condition of blockage or irritation at the base of the bladder, with a strong desire to urinate. Derivatives strangurious gjʊərɪəs adjective Origin ME: via L. from Gk strangouria, from stranx, strang drop… …   English new terms dictionary

  • strangury — stran·gu·ry …   English syllables

  • strangury — n. severe pain in the urethra referred from the base of the bladder and associated with an intense desire to pass urine. It occurs when the base of the bladder is irritated by a stone or an indwelling catheter. It is also noted in patients with… …   The new mediacal dictionary

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