Tibet House

Tibet House

The Tibet House was founded in 1987 by Columbia University professor Robert Thurman, actor Richard Gere and modern composer Philip Glass (among others) at the behest of the 14th Dalai Lama, Tenzin Gyatso. It was initially organized in New York City, USA, and the Tibet House U.S. is still based there.

Its stated purpose, as taken from the Tibet House website:
* To present to the West Tibet's ancient traditions of art and culture by means of creating a permanent Cultural Center, with Gallery, Library, and Archives, and developing traveling exhibitions, print publications and media productions
* To preserve and restore Tibet's unique cultural and spiritual heritage, by means of developing a Repatriation Collection for future repatriation of outstanding examples of Tibetan art, creating an archive of rare photographs, opening a research library, making a Web site on the Internet for the wide distribution of information, and providing support to conservation activities both inside and outside of Tibet
* To share with the world Tibet's practical systems of spiritual philosophy and mind sciences, and its arts of human development, intercultural dialogues, nonviolence, and peacemaking, by means of innovative programs in cooperation with educational and other cultural institutions.

The liner notes from the 1993 album "" feature a suggestion to support Tibet House, "an organization dedicated to the unique culture of the Tibetan people which has the potential to make a valuable contribution to the world at large."

ee also

* List of organizations of Tibetans in exile
* Tibet
* Buddhism
* Government of Tibet in Exile
* Tibetan American

External links

* [http://www.tibethouse.org/ The U.S. Tibetan House Web Site]
* [http://www.casatibet.org.mx Casa Tibet, Mexico]
* [http://www.tibethaus.com/ Tibethaus, Frankfurt, Germany]
* [http://casadeltibetbcn.org/principal.html/ Casa del Tibet Barcelona]

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