Astrid Olofsdotter

Astrid Olofsdotter

Astrid Olofsdotter, or possibly "Estrid Olofsdotter", (date of birth unknown, d. 1035), was a Norwegian Mediavel queen, queen consort of King Olav II of Norway.

Astrid was born to King Olof Skötkonung of Sweden and his Obotritian mistress Edla, half sister of King Anund Jacob of Sweden and sister of King Emund the Old of Sweden. It is said, that she and her brother Emund was not treated well by their stepmother, queen Estrid of the Obotrites, and that they were sent away to foster parents - Astrid were sent to a man named Egil in Västergötland.

In 1016, it was decided, that Norway and Sweden should come to more peacefull relations by a royal marriage alliance. Noblemen of both countries tried to arrange a marriage between Olaf of Norway and the sister of Astrid, Princess Ingegerd Olofsdotter of Sweden. King Olof of Sweden agreed at first but broke his promise. Some sources claim, that Astrid replaced Ingengerd by the wish of her father, others claim that the marriage took place against the will of her father, by the cooperation of Olav of Norway and the Swedish jarl Ragnvald Ulfsson. Astrid was married to Olaf in Sarpsborg in 1019.

Astrid was described as beautiful, verbal and generous, and well liked by others. She was possibly the mother of Ulvhild of Norway (1020-1070), wife of Ordulf, Duke of Saxony. She was the stepmother of King Magnus the Good, to whom she had a good relationship. In 1030, she was widowed when her husband was killed, and she left Norway and settled in the Swedish court, were she had a high position. When her stepson Magnus visited Sigtuna on his way to claim the Norwegian throne, she gave him her official support and encourraged Sweden to do so as well.


* "This article is based on it's equvivalent on Norwegian Wikipedia".


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