

Vec may mean:


* vec("A"), the vectorization of a matrix "A".
* Vec denotes the category of vector spaces over the reals.

* Venetian language (Vèneta), language code.
* Vecuronium, a muscle relaxant.

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  • VEC — M1 VEC del Ejército de Tierra de España en el desfile del Día de las Fuerzas Armadas de España del 2008. Tipo Vehículo blindado País de ori …   Wikipedia Español

  • VEC — is a three letter acronym which may refer to:* Vehículo de Exploración de Caballería, a Spanish Army wheeled reconnaissance vehicle armed with a 25mm Bushmaster cannon. * Vellore Engineering College, now known as Vellore Institute of Technology.… …   Wikipedia

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  • VEC-M1 — The Pegaso VEC M1 is a Spanish military cavalry reconnaissance vehicle. It started service in the Spanish Army in 1980 as BMR 625 VEC (aka Pegaso 3562) and all of them were upgraded in late 90 s to M1 version.The vehicle was developed and… …   Wikipedia

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