all-in rate — Rate used in charging customers for accepting banker s acceptances, consisting of the discount interest rate plus the commission. Bloomberg Financial Dictionary … Financial and business terms
all-commodity rate — noun : a freight rate applied to all goods in a particular shipment regardless of particular classifications … Useful english dictionary
all-in rate — /ˌɔ:l ɪn reɪt/, all in price /ˌɔ:l ɪn praɪs/ noun a price which covers all items in a purchase such as delivery, tax and insurance, as well as the goods themselves … Marketing dictionary in english
all-in rate — /ˌɔ:l ɪn reɪt/ noun 1. a price which covers all the costs connected with a purchase, such as delivery, tax and insurance, as well as the cost of the goods themselves 2. a wage which includes all extra payments, such as bonuses and merit pay … Dictionary of banking and finance
All equity rate — The discount rate that reflects only the business risks of a project and abstracts from the effects of financing. The New York Times Financial Glossary … Financial and business terms
All-equity rate — The discount rate that reflects only the business risks of a project and abstracts from the effects of financing. The New York Times Financial Glossary … Financial and business terms
all equity rate — The discount rate that reflects only the business risks of a project, distinct from the effects of financing. Bloomberg Financial Dictionary … Financial and business terms
all-in — ˈall in adjective an all in rate or price is one that includes all services, parts etc, with no additional costs: • For an all in price of £990, investors get an annual subscription as well as the hardware and software required. all in adverb : • … Financial and business terms
all-in — /awl in /, adj. 1. Wrestling. without restrictions; with virtually every type of hold permitted. 2. Jazz. performed by all members of the group; played ensemble: An all in refrain followed the solos. 3. Brit. with extras included; inclusive: at… … Universalium
all-in — /ˈɔl ɪn/ (say awl in) adjective 1. with extras included; inclusive: at the all in rate. 2. without restrictions: all in wrestling …