PHPmotion Templates

PHPmotion Templates is a website developed as an official source of templates for PHPmotion users and webmasters. Currently the templates allow users of PHPmotion software to customize the default template that comes with PHPmotion and change the aesthetics, and look of their website by utilizing CSS.


In addition to the features included in the default PHPmoitn script, the templates from PHPmotionTemplates contain the following features.

*JW FLV Player Video Player version 3.1.6 or higher
*Randomization of video recommendations in thumbnail form
*Improvement of video and sound quality from original source
*Randomization of member videos on member profile pages
*Social bookmarking.


All templates by require a website with a working PHPmotion installation.

History launched in June 2008 as a joint venture between PHPmotion and S and T Services web and graphics design.

Current Status

Currently PHPmotion templates has seven fully customizable templates with additional templates being added at regular intervals.

PHPmotion templates is the only officially endorsed source of templates for PHPmotion.



External Links


Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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  • PHPmotion — is an free video sharing software that is written in PHP. PHPmotion supports many different video formats as well as audio formats that include (mpg, avi, divx, mp3, and wma.) PHP Motion also comes with a content management system (CMS) and… …   Wikipedia

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