Kandiah Neelakandan

Kandiah Neelakandan

Kandiah Neelakandan (1947 - ) is a Sri Lankan Tamil lawyer who is the head of the All Ceylon Hindu Congress [ [http://www.dailymirror.lk/DM_BLOG/Sections/frmNewsDetailView.aspx?ARTID=26882 ACHC urges police to exempt aged, sick from registering] Sri Lanka Daily Mirror - september 20, 2008] . He has been active in providing legal expertise and guidance for the Sri Lanka Hindu Congress, and has worked on the interactions between Hindus and the legal system [ [http://www.thesundayleader.lk/20080914/spotlight-2.htm A monk's arrest that stumped the JHU] The Sunday Leader - September 14, 2008] .

He was born April 16, 1947 in Jaffna, Sri Lanka. He graduated from Jaffna Hindu College and graduated from the Sri Lanka Law College in 1969, becomign a partner at 1973 at Murugesu and Neelakandan [ [http://www.legal500.com/firms/30955/offices/30409/lawyers/40320 Kandiah Neelakandan] - Legal 500] . He is an expert on the Sri Lankan market [Campbell, Christian. Legal Aspects of Doing Business in Asia and the Pacific. Lulu.com, 2006] .


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