Radial polarisation

Radial polarisation

A beam of light has radial polarisation if at every position in the beam the polarisation (electric field) vector points towards the centre of the beam. In practice, an array of waveplates may be used to provide an approximation to a radially polarised beam. In this case the beam is divided into segments (eight, for example), and the average polarisation vector of each segment is directed towards the beam centre.cite journal |title=z-Polarization sensitive detection in micro-Raman spectroscopy by radially polarized incident light |first=Y. |last=Saito |coauthors=Kobayashi, M.; Hiraga, D.; Fujita, K.; Kawano, S.; Smith, N. I.; Inouye, Y.; Kawata, S. |journal=Journal of Raman Spectroscopy |month=Mar |year=2008 |doi=10.1002/jrs.1953] It is possible to use a liquid crystal device to convert the polarisation of a beam to a radial state,cite web |url=http://www.arcoptix.com/radial_polarization_converter.htm |title=Radial-Azimuthal Polarization Converter |accessdate=2008-09-30] or a radially polarised beam can be produced by a laser in which the Brewster window is replaced by a cone at Brewster's angle.cite journal |title=Generation of a radially polarized laser beam by use of a conical Brewster prism |first=Yuichi |last=Kozawa |coauthors= Sato, Shunichi |journal=Optics Letters |volume=30 |issue=22 |pages=3063–3065 |doi=10.1364/OL.30.003063 |year=2005]

A radially polarised beam can be used to produce a smaller focused spot than a more conventional linearly or circularly polarised beamcitation |title=Radial polarization minimizes focal spot size |last=Quabis |first=S. |coauthors=Dorn, R.; Muller, J.; Rurimo, G.K.; Leuchs, G. |journal=Quantum Electronics Conference 2004 (IQEC) |pages=615–616| doi=10.1109/IQEC.2004.242867 |isbn=1-55752-778-4 |doi_brokendate=2008-10-03] , and has uses in optical trapping.cite journal |title=Trapping metallic Rayleigh particles with radial polarization, |author=Qiwen Zhan |journal=Optics Express |volume=12 |issue=15 |pages=3377–3382 |doi=10.1364/OPEX.12.003377 |year=2004]

ee Also

*Axial polarisation
*Longitudinal polarisation


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