Collegi Casp

Collegi Casp

Col·legi Casp–Sagrat Cor de Jesús ("Colegio Casp–Sagrado Corazón de Jesús" in Spanish) is a Jesuit school in Barcelona, Spain, founded in 1881.cite web|title=Identitat|publisher=Col·legi Casp–Sagrat Cor de Jesús|date=2007-08-20|accessdate=2008-09-28|url=|language=Catalan] Its Catalan name, which means "Casp College–Sacred Heart of Jesus" in English, refers to both the school's location on Casp Street ("Carrer de Casp") and the attached church, the Església del Sagrat Cor de Jesús. Both the school and church are run by the "Casp Jesuits" ("Jesuïtes de Casp").


Col·legi Casp is the successor to two Jesuit schools in the city: Col·legi de Betlem, founded 1546, and Col·legi de Cordelles, given to the Jesuits in 1659. Both were situated on the Rambla dels Estudis and were open until the expulsion of the Jesuit order in 1767.cite web|title=Resum de la història del col·legi|publisher=Col·legi Casp–Sagrat Cor de Jesús|date=2007-08-20|accessdate=2008-09-28|url=|language=Catalan]

Col·legi Casp opened October 1, 1881, initially with 108 students. The political environment in Spain at the time had an effect on the school's growth. In 1932, it was converted into a municipal school, due to the dissolution of the Society of Jesus, which returned in 1939. Col·legi Casp's enrollment increased soon after, and the school expanded into adjacent buildings.

In 1971, the school became a co-ed institution with its first female students. The next year, it began offering Catalan courses and, in 1978, began teaching in Catalan. By the 1983–84 school year, the entire school had become co-ed. Currently, Col·legi Casp has more than 1,700 students of both sexes between the primary, compulsory secondary, and non-compulsory secondary ("batxillerat") sections of the school. The Casp Jesuits have graduated around 25,000 students, many of whom have become well-known in Catalonian society. In 2007, Col·legi Casp received the Medal of Honor of Barcelona ("Medalla d'Honor de Barcelona").

Relations with other schools

Col·legi Casp's "batxillerat" section is very active with student exchange programs. Among its partner schools are:

*In Belgium:
**Collège Saint-Michel in Brusselscite journal|title='Esperem i desitgem de tot cor mantenir el contacte amb tots vosaltres'|author=Josep Lluís Iriberri|first=Josep Lluís|last=Iriberri|journal=Casp 25|publisher=Col·legi Casp–Sagrat Cor de Jesús|month=February|year=2002|issue=306|accessdate=2008-09-28|pages=3|url=|format=PDF|language=Catalan]
*In France:
**Ecole de Provence in Marseillecite journal|title=Intercanvi amb Marsella|author=Carla Vilaró|first=Carla|last=Vilaró|coauthors=Túlia Ferrer; Anabel Martínez|journal=Casp 25|publisher=Col·legi Casp–Sagrat Cor de Jesús|month=October|year=2003|accessdate=2008-09-28|pages=3|url=|format=PDF|language=Catalan]
*In the United States:
**Brebeuf Jesuit Preparatory School in Indianapolis, Indianacite web|title=Intercanvis Casp–EUA|publisher=Col·legi Casp–Sagrat Cor de Jesús|date=2008-04-11|accessdate=2008-09-28|url=|language=Catalan]
**Loyola Academy near Chicago, Illinois
**Magnificat High School near Cleveland, Ohiocite web|title=Intercanvis Batxillerat|publisher=Col·legi Casp–Sagrat Cor de Jesús|date=2008-01-24|accessdate=2008-09-28|url=|language=Catalan]
**St. Ignatius High School in Cleveland, Ohio
**St. John's Jesuit High School in Toledo, Ohio
**St. Ursula Academy in Cincinnati, Ohio
**St. Xavier High School in Cincinnati, Ohio
**Walsh Jesuit High School near Akron, Ohio

In addition, the school's primary section participates in the Comenius Project.cite journal|author=Sònia Bonjorn|first=Sònia|last=Bonjorn|title=Projecte Comenius a Primària|journal=Casp 25|publisher=Col·legi Casp–Sagrat Cor de Jesús|month=May–June|year=2004|issue=325|accessdate=2008-09-28|pages=3|url=|format=PDF|language=Catalan]

Notable alumni

*Iñaki Urdangarín – Duke of Palma de Mallorca; bronze medalist in handball at the 1996 and 2000 Summer Olympics
*Francesc Vendrell – Spanish diplomat


External links

*ca [ Col·legi Casp]
*ca [ Església del Sagrat Cor]
* [ Col·legi Casp at the Ignatian Wiki]

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