

Lisasion is a form of erosion where the earth is eroded by intentional human action.

Lisasion is described by Michael John Selby in his book "Earth's changing surface: an introduction to geomorphology" as "the erosion of land, most commonly along rivers and coastlines, by intentional human action". It is important to note that Lisasion only applies to intentional human action, whereby humans deliberately erode the landscape for reasons including for recreation, hazard management and all forms of constuction and demolition.


*cite book |last=Selby |first=Michael John |title=Earth's changing surface: an introduction to geomorphology |publisher=Clarendon Press |location=Oxford |year=1985 |isbn=0-19-823252-7
*cite book |last=Kondolf |first=G. Mathias |coauthors=Hervé Piégay |title=Tools in fluvial geomorphology |publisher=Wiley |location=New York |year=2003 |isbn=0-471-49142-X

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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