Euthymios Saifi

Euthymios Saifi

Euthymios Saifi (1682-1723) was the Melkite Catholic bishop of Sidon during the early 18th century. A leading proponent of re-establishing communion between the Orthodox Church of Antioch and the Roman Catholic Church, he is often described as the architect of the Melkite Catholic Church. [Descy (1993), pp. 33-36] Saifi, like many clerics in the patriarchate of Antioch, wanted to formally re-establish ties to the Church of Rome. In December 1683 he openly declared himself in communion with the Roman Catholic Church. [cite web
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title = After the Separation
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publisher = Greek Melkite Catholic Patriarchate of Antioch
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accessdate = 2008-09-26
] Through his actions he secured the election of his nephew, Seraphim Tanas, as the Greek Patriarch of Antioch.

Saifi is also remembered as the founder of the Basilian Salvatorian congregation [Descy (1993), p. 34] and the Melkite Holy Savior Monastery (Deir-el-Moukhales) near Sidon. [Dick (2004), pp. 31-32]



*cite book
last = Descy
first = Serge
authorlink =
coauthors =
title = The Melkite Church
publisher = Sophia Press
date = 1993
location = Boston
id =

*cite book
last = Dick
first = Iganatios
authorlink =
coauthors =
title = Melkites: Greek Orthodox and Greek Catholics of the Patriarchates of Antioch, Alexandria and Jerusalem
publisher = Sophia Press
date = 2004
location = Boston
id =

External links

* [ Melkite Greek Catholic Patriarchate of Antioch, Alexandria and Jerusalem]
* [ L'Église Melkite/The Melkite Church] .
* [ Melkite Catholic Web Ring] .
* [ Extensive history of the Melkite Church]

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