- Gaudi Afternoon
"Gaudi Afternoon" is a 2001
comedy film based onBarbara Wilson 's novel and directed bySusan Seidelman . The film focuses on an expatriate American book translator (Judy Davis ) living inBarcelona, Spain , who is hired by a mysterious woman to locate her lost husband. The film’s cast includesMarcia Gay Harden ,Lili Taylor ,Juliette Lewis ,Christopher Bowen andCourtney Jines . [ [http://movies.tvguide.com/gaudi-afternoon/review/136581 TV Guide Online review] ]"Gaudi Afternoon" had a theatrical engagement in
New York City in March 2003, [ [http://query.nytimes.com/gst/fullpage.html?res=9E05E3DD1E31F932A15750C0A9659C8B63 New York Times review, March 21, 2003] ] but was not picked up for theatrical distribution and was subsequently released as a straight-to-DVD title. [ [http://www.brightlightsfilm.com/39/gaudi.htm “Ho-hum Intrigue in Barcelona,” Bright Lights Film Journal, February 2003] ]References
External link
*imdb title | id=0235412 | title=Gaudi Afternoon
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