List of mayors of Odessa, Ukraine

List of mayors of Odessa, Ukraine

Throughout Odessa Ukraine's history, the office of Novorossiya Governor and Odessa mayor was closely aligned and often was held by the same leader.

Mayors of Odessa Ukraine[1]
Mayor Term Governor General of Novorossiia Term Notes
Zheleztsov, Andrey
(Андрей Железцов)
1796 - 1797 Zubov, Platon Prince
(Платон Александрович Зубов)[2] [3]
1792/1794/1795 - 1796 Novorossiya Governor office created
Berdyaev, Nikolai
(Николай Михайлович Бердяев)
1796 - 1797
Portnov, Larion F.
(Ларион Федорович Портнов)
1797 - 1800 Kahovsky, Mikhail
(Михаил Васильевич Каховский)
1797 - 1800
Kafedzhi, Ivan (Kafadzhi)
(Иван Кафеджи [Кафаджи])
1800 - 1803 Mikhelson, Ivan
(Иван Иванович Михельсон)
1800 - 1803
Bekleshev, Alexander
(Александр Андреевич Беклешев)
1803 - 1804
1803 - 1814 Richelieu 1805 - 1814 Office of Governor General and Mayor combined during Richelieu's tenure.
Amvrosy, Ivan Amvrosievich
(Иван Амвросиевич Амвросий)
1806 - 1809
Androsov, Ivan
(Иван Андросов)
1809 - 1812
Androsov, Semen
(Семен Андросов)
1812 - 1815
Kolbe, Thomas[5] Temporary appointment
(Александр Фёдорович Ланжерон)
January 1, 1816 - 1820[6] Langeron January 1, 1816 - 1822[7]
Protasov, Yakov
(Яков Протасов)
Inglezi, Dmitriy Spiridonovich
(Дмитрий Спиридонович Инглези)
Tregubov, Nikolai Yakovlevich[6]
(Николай Яковлевич Трегубов)
May 1820 - June 1822[8] Inzov, Ivan Nikitovich[9]
(Иван Никитович Инзов)
July 1822 - May 23, 1823[8]
Guryev, Alexander Dmitrievich[10]
(Александр Дмитриевич Гурьев)
1822-1825 Vorontsov, Mikhail Semenovich[9]
(Михаил Семенович Воронцов)
Luchich, Philip Lukyanovich
(Филипп Лукьянович Лучич)
1824-1827 1830-1833 1839-1842 Krasovskiy, Afanasy Ivanovich
(Афанасий Иванович Красовский)
Neydgardt, Pavel Ivanovich
(Павел Иванович Нейдгардт)
Pahlen, Fyodor Petrovich
(Федор Петрович Пален)
1826-1828 1826,1830-1832 Palen, Fedor Petrovich
(Федор Петрович Пален)
1826-1828 1826,1830-1832
Avchinnikov, Ivan Vasilievich
(Иван Васильевич Авчинников)
Bogdanovskiy, Andrey Vasilyevich
(Андрей Васильевич Богдановский)
Levshin, Aleksey Irakliyevich[10]
(Алексей Ираклиевич Левшин)
Novikov, Ilya
(Илья Новиков)
Rostovtsev, Pavel
(Павел Ростовцев)
Tolstoy, Alexander Petrovich
(Александр Петрович Толстой)
Akhlestyshev, Dmitriy Dmitrievich
(Дмитрий Дмитриевич Ахлестышев)
Papudov, Konstantin Fotevich
(Константин Фотьевич Папудов)
Novikov, Yakov Ilyich
(Яков Ильич Новиков)
Kortatsii, James
(Джеймс Кортации)
1848-1857 Fedorov, Pavel Ivanovich
(Павел Иванович Федоров)
Kaznacheev, Alexander Ivanovich
(Александр Иванович Казначеев)
Kruzenshtern, Nikolai Ivanovich
(Николай Иванович Крузенштерн)
1854-1856 Annenkov, Nikolai Nikolayevich (see: General Nicholas Annenkov)
(Николай Николаевич Анненков)
Alopeus, Fedor Davydovich
(Федор Давыдович Алопеус)
1856-1857 Stroganov, Alexander Grigoriyevich 1855-1862/1863[11] Stroganov was governor general of Bessarabia also.
Gari, Yakov Yegorovich
(Яков Егорович Гари)
Mestmakher, Pavel Fedorovich
(Павел Федорович Местмахер)
Yakhnenko, Semen Stepanovich
(Семен Степанович Яхненко)
Antonovich, Platon Alexandrovich
(Платон Александрович Антонович)
1861-1863 Kotzebue, Pavel Evstafevich
(Павел Евстафьевич Коцебу)
December 12, 1863 - 1874[10]
Pashkov, Aleksey
(Алексей Пашков)
Velio, Ivan Osipovich
(Иван Осипович Велио)
Vorontsov, Seymon Mikhaylovich
(Семен Михайлович Воронцов)
Shidlovsky, Mikhail Nikolayevich
(Михаил Николаевич Шидловский)
Novoselskiy, Nikolai Alexandrovich
(Николай Александрович Новосельский)
Bukharin, Nikolai Ivanovich
(Николай Иванович Бухарин)
Temporary governor general[12]
Levashev, Vladimir Vasilyevich
(Владимир Васильевич Левашев)
1876-1878[10] Totleben, Eduard Ivanovich[12] 1879
Marazli, Grigoriy Grigorevich
(Григорий Григорьевич Маразли)
1880 – 1895 [13]
Heintz, Alexander Constantinovich
(Александр Константинович Гейнц)
1878-1880 Totleben, Edward Ivanovich
(Эдуард Иванович Тотлебен)[14]
Knop, Karl Germanovich
(Карл Германович Кноп)
1880 Drenteln, Alexander Romanovich
(Александр Романович Дрентельн) [14][15]
Gudim-Levkovich, Sergey Nikolayev
(Сергей Николаев Гудим-Левкович)
1880-1881 Dondukov-Korsakov, Alexander Mikhaylovich
(Александр Михайлович Дондуков-Корсаков) [14][15]
Tukholka, Lev Fedorovich
(Лев Фёдорович Тухолка)[16]
Kossagovskiy, Pavel Pavlovich
(Павел Павлович Коссаговский)
1882-1885 Gurko, Joseph Vladimirovich
(Иосиф Владимирович Гурко) [14][15]
Zelenoy, Pavel Alekseyevich
(Павел Алексеевич Зеленой)
1885-1898 Roop, Christopher Khristoforovich
(Христофор Христофорович Рооп) [14][10]
1883-1885 1885-1890 Office of the governor general abolished in 1890.[15]
Kryzhanovskiy, Peter Adamovich
(Петр Адамович Крыжановский)
1897 ,1905
Shuvalov, Pavel Pavlovich
(Павел Павлович Шувалов)
Zelenoy, Pavel Alexeevich
(Павел Алексеевич Зеленой)
Arsenev, Dmitriy Gavrilovich
(Дмитрий Гаврилович Арсеньев)
Neydgardt, Dmitriy Borisovich
(Дмитрий Борисович Нейдгардт)
Yaroshenko, Semen Petrovich
(Семен Петрович Ярошенко)
Protopopov, Vasiliy Yakovlevich
(Василий Яковлевич Протопопов)
Grigoryev, Apollon Gavrilovich
(Аполлон Гаврилович Григорьев)
1905-1907 Karangozov, Konstantin Adamovich
(Константин Адамович Карангозов) [14]
Novitskiy, Vasiliy Dementevich
(Василий Дементьевич Новицкий)
1907 Glagolev, Pavel
(Павел Глаголев) [14]
Tolmachev, Ivan Nikolayevich
(Иван Николаевич Толмачев)
1907-1911 1907-1914
Moiseev, Nikolai Ivanovich
(Николай Иванович Моисеев)
Sosnovskiy, Ivan Vasilyevich
(Иван Васильевич Сосновский)
Pelican, Boris Aleksandrovich[10]
(Пеликан, Борис Александрович)
1913-1917 Ebelov, Mikhail Ivanovich
(Михаил Иванович Эбелов)
Knyazhevych, Mykola Antoninovych
(Николай Антонинович Княжевич)
Braykevyich, MYkhailo Vasylyovych
(Михаил Васильевич Брайкевич)
1917 ,1918
Sukhomlin, Vasyl Ivanovych
(Василий Иванович Сухомлин)
Lipa, Ivan Lvovych
(Иван Львович Липа)
Bohutskiy, Vikentiy Mechislavovych
(Викентий Мечиславович Богуцкий)
Mustafin, Volodymyr Andriyovych
(Владимир Андреевич Мустафин)
1918 Mustafin, Volodymyr Andriyovych
(Владимир Андреевич Мустафин)
Sannikov, Oleksandr Serhiyovych
(Александр Сергеевич Санников)
1918 von Belts, Eduard
(Эдуард фон-Бельц)
Bogdanovych, Mykola Mykolayovych
(Николай Николаевич Богданович)
1918 Raukh, Heorhiy Ottonovych
(Георгий Оттонович Раух)
Yaroshevych, A.A.
(А.А. Ярошевич)
Markov, V. A.
(В.А. Марков)
1918-1919 Grishin-Almazov, Oleksiy Mykolayovych
(Алексей Николаевич Гришин-Алмазов)
Sokolovskaya, Sofiya Ivanovna[17]
(Софья Ивановна Соколовская)
1919 Schwarz, Oleksiy Volodymyrovych
(Алексей Владимирович Шварц)
Shtengel, Borys Fedorovych
(Борис Федорович Штенгель)
Kolobov, Volodymyr Arsenyovych
(Владимир Арсеньевич Колобов)
Sokyra-Yakhontov, Viktor
(Виктор Николаевич Сокира-Яхонтов)
Klymenko, Ivan Yevdokymovych[18]
(Иван Евдокимович Клименко)
Kin, Pavlo Andriyovych[18]
(Павел Андреевич Кин)
Drobnis, Yakiv Naumovych[18]
(Яков Наумович Дробнис)
Averin, Vasyl Kuzmich[18]
(Василий Кузьмич Аверин)
Ivanov, Andriy Vasylyovych[18]
(Андрей Васильевич Иванов)
Kudrina, I.N.[18]
(И.Н. Кудрин)
Trilisskiy, Oleksiy Lukich[18]
(Алексей Лукич Трилисский)
Oleksiyenko, G.P. [18]
(Г.П. Алексеенко)
Yakymovich, I.K. [18]
(И.К. Якимович)
Chebukin, P.V. [18]
(П.В. Чебукин)
Sorokin, P.D. [18]
(П.Д. Сорокин)
Korchagin, I.P. [18]
(И.П. Корчагин)
Chernitsa, I.K. [18]
(И.К. Черница)
Pyntya, Herman[18]
(Герман Пынтя)
Davydenko, V.P. [18]
(В.П. Давыденко)
Karpov, O.N.[18]
(О.Н. Карпов)
Stepanenko, Oleksandr Danylovych[18]
(Александр Данилович Степаненко)
Ladvischenko, Hrehoriy Feofanovych[18]
(Григорий Феофанович Ладвищенко)
Kovalenko, Oleksandr Panteleymonovych[18]
(Александр Пантелеймонович Коваленко)
Tsyurup, Pavlo Andriyovych[18]
(Павел Андреевич Цюрупа)
Symonenko, Valentyn Kostiantynovych[18]
(Валентин Константинович Симоненко)
Cherneha, Leonid A.
(Чернега, Леонид Алексеевич)
1991 - 1994[19]
Hurvits, Eduard
(Гурвиц, Эдуард Иосифович)
1994 - 1998
Bodelan, Rouslan Borisovich
(Боделан, Руслан Борисович)
1998 - 2005
Hurvits, Eduard 2005 -


  1. ^ "Градоначальники и городские головы Одессы". Retrieved 2008-10-01. 
  2. ^ Herlihy, Patricia (1987, 1991). Odessa: A History, 1794-1914. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press. ISBN 0-916458-15-6, hardcover; ISBN 0-916458-43-1, paperback reprint. 
    p. 7: "On May 27, 1794, Catherine gave it her approval. The governor general of Novorossiia, Prince Platon Zubov one of Catherine's favorites-lent crucial support to creating Odessa.";
    p. 14: "In Novorossiia, chief authority rested with an appointed official, the governor general, whose office was created in 1775."
  3. ^ "gradonach". Retrieved 2008-10-01.  Lists date of 1792 - 1796
  4. ^ Herlihy, Page 24: "Through an ukaz promulgated on October 8, 1802, Tsar Alexander I brought comparative stability into this regional government. He permanently divided Novorossiia into three guberniias. Two of them took their names from cities: Katerynoslav, "the glory of Catherine," founded in 1786 by her favorite Potemkin; and the port Mykolaiv, later replaced by Kherson. This latter guberniia included Odessa. The third division of Novorossiia was called Taurida, from the ancient Greek name for the Crimea. 16 The administration of these three provinces was originally confided to a single governor general. The duc de Richelieu, who accepted the commission in 1805, was the second governor general, and the first to combine that post with appointment as chief of Odessa."
  5. ^ Herlihy, Page 114: "Major General Koble, the military commandant of the city, as the temporary city chief."
  6. ^ a b "Herlihy, Page 114: A friend of the duc, a fellow Frenchman, Count Alexander F. Langeron, took office as governor general of Novorossiia and as city chief of Odessa on January 1, 1816...In 1820, he was relieved of his position as city chief. It was given to a member of the Commercial Court, N. Ia. Tregubov, who retained the post for two years. 4 The two positions of governor general and city chief were never again entrusted to the same person."
  7. ^ Herlihy, Page 116: "Langeron at last gave up the office in 1822."
  8. ^ a b Specific months from Russian Wikipedia:Odessa Administrations (Russian)
  9. ^ a b Herlihy,Page 117, 76: "Langeron's immediate successor was Lieutenant General Ivan N. Inzov. He held command over Novorossiia for nearly a year-from July 1822 to May 23, 1823. 13...The succeeding governor general was Mikhail S. Vorontsov (1823 -1845)...The enterprise of Count M. S. Vorontsov (governor general of Novorossiia from 1823 to 1844)."
  10. ^ a b c d e f Wikipedia:Odessa Administrations (Russian)
  11. ^ Herlihy, Page 117: "Aleksandr G. Stroganov from 1855 to 1863, he served as governor general of Novorossia and Bessarabia."
  12. ^ a b Herlihy, page 158: "With the abolition of the office of governor general, the former advantages of decentralization disappeared. In 1879, the new type of temporary governor general took office; he was now less a friend at court and more a force at home. These officials were primarily interested in maintaining law and order. The first to fill this post was Eduard Ivanovich Todtleben."
  13. ^ On the Medical college at Pushkinskaya 4 (Пушкинская), there is a memorial plaque for the mayor of Odessa from, 1880 to 1895, Grigory Grigoryevich Marazli. Listed on misto as 1878-1896.
  14. ^ a b c d e f g Temporary Governor general
  15. ^ a b c d Herlihy, page 159: The succeeding temporary governor general, Alexander R. Drentel'n, was a general in the infantry. Assigned to Odessa in 1880-1881...Alexander M. Dondukov-Korsakov 1881-1882...In 1882, losif V. Gurko, a general, took up the position of temporary governor general of Odessa...General Kristofor K. Roop supervised the city for eight years from 1882 to 1890...These five temporary governors general within a decade (four of them serving only one year each) did little or nothing to improve the city's economy.
  16. ^ [1]
  17. ^ KPU committee secretary
  18. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u Town Council chairman
  19. ^ Wikipedia:Chernega, Leonid A. (Russian)

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