

Kapiko-a-Haka, Prince of Ookinaahu or High Chief, was son of Haka, the 7th Alii Aimoku of Oahu.

He was the son of Haka, the 7th Alii Aimoku of Oahu, and his wife High Chiefess Kapunawahine, whose rank and geneology has not been remember in the old legends. He was the only son of Haka. Yet after his father was overthrown by the chiefs and commoners of Oahu, his heriditary right to succeed was taken away from him. The people probably did not want an another of Haka's blood to sit on the throne. This choice by the people of Oahu ended the reign of the Kumuhonua Dynasty and brought the Mailikukahi, of the Moikeha line, into power. Not much significant of Kapiko's life is remember in the old legends. He married the High Chiefess and begotted three daughters: Kauala, Kamili and Kaoui. [ Fornander (1878). p. 88-89] Kamili would married Ilihiwalani, son of Kalanikuma; and Kauala's descendants would married the Kanekapuakakuhihewa.

Descent From Nawele to Kapiko

[ Hawaiian Genealogies. p. 23]



last1 = Fornander | first1 = Abraham
last2 = Stokes | first2 = John F. G.
title = [http://books.google.com/books?id=tcQNAAAAQAAJ&ie=ISO-8859-1 An Account of the Polynesian Race: Vol. ?]
publisher = Trubner & co.
year = 1880
isbn =
last1 = McKinzie | first1 = Edith K.
last2 = Stagner | first2 = Ishmael W.
title = [http://books.google.com/books?id=QB92bdJ8igwC&ie=ISO-8859-1&output=html Hawaiian Genealogies: Extracted from Hawaiian Language Newspapers]
publisher = Trubner & co.
year = 1878
isbn =

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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