

Abulhasan, Abolhasan, Abul Hassan, Abul-Hasan, Abu'l Hasan Abu al-Hasan, etc., is a part of a personal name of Arabic derivation, literally meaning "father of ("abu") Hassan". In Western perception, it may be considered as a first name or as a family name.

Abulhasan or similar may refer to the following:


*Abulhasan was a pen name of an Azerbaijani writer Abulhasan Alekperzadeh
*Abu al-Hasan (Mughal painter) (fl. 17th Century) Indian Mughal painter
*Abu Hassan, the code name of Palestinian terrorist Ali Hassan Salameh.
*Mohammad A. Abulhasan (Mohammed Abulhasan), a Kuwaiti politician, representative to the United Nations [ [http://query.nytimes.com/gst/fullpage.html?res=9C0CE5DB153CF93AA35751C1A966958260&partner=rssnyt&emc=rss] ]
*Abul Hasan of Oman, a sultan of Oman (1435-1451)
*Abul Hasan, Abu Al-Hasan Ali ibn Othman, a Marinind dynasty sultan of Morocco and Al-Andalus

;Fictional characters:
*"Abu al-Hasan, the merchant of Oman", a character from the "Arabian Nights" [ [http://www.wollamshram.ca/1001/Vol_9/tale164.htm] ]

* "Abu Hassan, a 1811 opera by Carl Maria von Weber

*lookfrom|Abu al-Hasan
*lookfrom|Abul Hasan
*lookfrom|Abul Hassan
*lookfrom|Abu'l Hasan
*lookfrom|Abu l-Hasan
*lookfrom|Abu Al-Hasan
*lookfrom|Abu al-Hasan
*lookfrom|Abu Hasan
*lookfrom|Abu Hassan

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