Corlia Roberts Diamond Education College

Corlia Roberts Diamond Education College

The Corlia Roberts Diamond Education College CRDEC is a diamond training company based in Johannesburg South Africa.

Ethical standards

CRDEC supports policies that prohibit the trade in conflict diamonds, prevent money laundering, combat the financing of terrorism, and promote transparency, fair dealing and disclosure throughout the diamond pipeline. It is CRDEC strict policy to clearly identify its prospective studentsbefore training commences.

Kimberley Process Certification Scheme [] – CRDEC actively participated in the inaugural meeting of diamond industry stakeholders in Kimberley, South Africa, in May 2000, and participated in all subsequent deliberations that led to the January 2003 adoption of the KPCS and its system of controls over rough diamond trading, intended to combat the trade in conflict diamonds. CRDEC will not import or export rough diamonds without an accompanying Kimberley Process Certificate of origin.

World Diamond Council Industry Self-Regulation [] – Established in conjunction with the KPCS, the WDC has established a system of buyer-seller warranties to extend the reach and effectiveness of the KPCS throughout the entire diamond pipeline.

Best Practice Principles Assurance Program (a Diamond Trading Company program [] ) – this program was developed to demonstrate to supply chain partners, consumers and other interested stakeholders that the exploration, extraction, sorting, cutting and polishing of diamonds, and the manufacture and sale of diamond jewelry is undertaken in a professionally, ethically, socially and environmentally friendly and accountable way.

External links

* [ Official Homepage]

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