Saumen Kar

Saumen Kar

= Saumen Kar =

The Inuit peoples inhabit stretches of the Arctic regions of the world. [cite web |url= |title=The Hunters of the Arctic | |accessdate=2008-01-07]
Many live in Greenland which is under the control of Denmark which is a member of the EU.
Many Inuits in Greenland follow a form of shamanism. Saumen Kar (pronounced shō'men kahr) literally means 'Man of Snow'. It is the name given in the settlements of Northern Greenland to the mythological figure similar to the yeti and abominable snowman.


* Hans Ruesch. "Top Of The World". ISBN 950-637-164-4 ( [ Hebrew version] )
* Gontran De Poncins (1941). "Kabloona". ISBN 1-55597-249-7

External links

* [ The Inuvialuit]
* [ CBC Digital Archives - An Inuit Education: Honouring a past, creating a future]

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