San Salvador, San Salvador
- San Salvador, San Salvador
San Salvador is a municipality in the San Salvador department of El Salvador.
San Salvador, happens to be the second capital of El Salvador, as it had originally been found at a place that was destructed by earthquakes. San Salvador is a multi-cultural city, filled with enthusiastic enterprenurial people, who are always at the ready to welcome tourists and nationals living abroad. San Salvador has suffered floods, earthquakes, civil war, an erupting volcano and various other disasters, but its people always stand up to the task and do what it's needed.
It has a "Zona Rosa" where the wealthy get together for the weekends, new hotels such as "El Princess" and "El Camino Real" offer top notch stay, where you can take advantage of visiting the all-time commercial centers MetroCentro, MetroSur and enjoy the best of all restaurants: "Pollo Campero".
San Salvador has some of the best schools, such as Liceo Salvadoreno, Externado San José, Liceo Cristiano Central, Santa Cecilia and much more. Offering fully bi-lingual education and technology oriented curricula.
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