- Pixeltools
PixelTools, a privately held company, was founded in 1994 by engineers from Compression Labs,
Apple , and Lockheed to fulfill the hugeMPEG compressed video needs brought on by the (at that time revolutionary) display of video on personal computers. The company continues to the present day in providing high quality MPEG compression solutions to Hollywood studios, post production houses, and video developers.Core TechnologyPixelTools products are based upon an in-house designed optimized encoding engine. The company patented two of its significant MPEG developments:1. Invisible but detectable watermarking on existing MPEG2. Encoding still images into MPEG video
HistoryPixelTools was incorporated in November 1995 with the introduction of PixelTools Expert1
MPEG1 software encoder. TheMPEG2 software encoder Expert2 was released in 1996. Multi-pass and variable bit-rate options were added to the ExpertDVD product released in 1998. The MPEGRepair product release the same year added the MPEG decoder and analyzer to the ExpertDVD product. The core encoding engine was optimized for HD speed and size. ExpertHD, released in 2001 was the first software encoder capable of real time encoding. MPEGRepairHD was a major update to MPEGRepair in 2003 that incorporated the new optimized encode engine in addition to additional decode, analyze, and stream repair features. PixelTools has also released an AVC (H.264 ) encode engine. ExpertH264 was released in 2002 withAVC encoding.Sourceshttp://findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_m0EIN/is_/ai_59999314http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/H.264
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.