Loening PA-1

Loening PA-1

The Loening PA-1 (Pursuit-Air cooled) was an American flighter aircraft protoype built by Loening Aeronautical Engineering.


The PA-1 was the first air cooled radial engine powered aircraft. It was a single-seat biplane with N-struts, all wood fuselage ans wings with fabric coverings. The USAAS ordered 2 prototype's. The first one first flew in March 1922. It did not deliver the desired speed, so the construction of the second prototype was cancelled.


ref=Angelucci, 1987. p. 292.
met or eng?=eng

length m=6.01
length ft=19
length in=9
span m=8.53
span ft=28
span in=0
height m=2.64
height ft=8
height in=8
wing area sqm=26.19
wing area sqft=282
empty weight kg=697
empty weight lb=1,536
gross weight kg=1,117
gross weight lb=2,463

eng1 number=1
eng1 type=Wright R-1454
eng1 kw=
eng1 hp=350
eng2 number=
eng2 type=
eng2 kw=
eng2 hp=

max speed kmh=209
max speed mph=130
cruise speed kmh=
cruise speed mph=
stall speed kmh=
stall speed mph=
range km=
range miles=
endurance h=
endurance min=
ceiling m=5,852
ceiling ft=19,200
g limits=
roll rate=
climb rate ms=4.72
climb rate ftmin=928

armament1=1x .50in machine guns
armament2=300lb (136kg) bombs
see also=
similar aircraft=




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