

EForward is a file/document transport protocol to transfer files between computer systems with a guaranteed level of reliability. It belongs to the application layer of the Internet protocol suite.

EForward uses a three-part (client-server-client) model, capable of handling any file type without further processing.


EForward uses one port, 2181, in either TCP or UDP mode to transfer files between a client and the server. The major objective of the protocol is to provide a "known" level of service: The documents sent from one client to another should never be in an unknown state, at any time. This is done by having the server keep track of the state of all the messages, and having it be the definitive status keeper.

The other objective of the protocol is to allow clients to connect at their convenience for either sending or receiving data: They can send to any other client at any time, and receive any messages they have been sent to them at any time. Alternatively, they can be notified by the server when they have new messages.


In general communication via EForward happens in three stages:
# Client A sends a message for Client B to the server.
# Client B is notified by the server that there are new messages for it.
# Client B retrieves the message from the server.


EForward is designed specifically to transport documents between companies, particularly when the loss of a document cannot be allowed. Currently it is primarally used by the shipping/transport industry to handle shipping instructions and messages between shipping companies, ports, manufacturers and resalers.

ee also

* Trivial File Transfer Protocol (TFTP)
* SSH file transfer protocol (sftp), a protocol running over SSH
* Secure FTP, FTP run over SSH
* FTPS, FTP run over SSL
* Simple File Transfer Protocol (SFTP), the historic protocol RFC 913

External links

* [http://www.corvedia.net/ Corvedia]

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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