George Aribert of Anhalt-Dessau

George Aribert of Anhalt-Dessau

George Aribert of Anhalt-Dessau (b. Dessau, 3 June 1606 - d. Wörlitz, 14 November 1643), was a German Prince member of the House of Ascania and (titular) ruler of the Principality of Anhalt-Dessau.

He was the sixth son of John George I, Prince of Anhalt-Dessau but the fourth-born by his second wife Dorothea, daughter of John Casimir of Simmern. In fact, he was the second and youngest son of John George and Dorothea who survive adulthood; two of his older brothers, Frederick Maurice and Henry Waldemar, died in infancy.


After the death of his father in 1618, the twelve-years-old George Aribert was left under the custody of his older brother John Casimir. Nominally, the young prince was the co-ruler of his brother, but he never took real part in the government of Dessau.

In 1619 Georg Aribert was accepted by his uncle Louis of Anhalt-Köthen in the Fruitbearing Society. As an emblem the Bitter orange tree was intended for him. In the Köthen society book George Aribert appears under the No 24.

Together with Christoph Albrecht von Zanthier George Aribert performed his military service in the Imperial army since 1625 to 1629. [de]

After thirteen years of "co-government" between him and John Casimir, on 28 January 1632 a divisionary treaty was made; George Aribert enter in possession of a few places: Wörlitz (chosen by him as his residence), Radegast and Kleutsch.

Marriage and Issue

Around 1632 George Aribert decided to marry with Johanna Elisabeth (Anna?) von Krosigk (d. aft. 1686), of old nobility and daughter of Christoph von Krosigk, "Cammerrath, Marschall und Hauptmann in Diensten" at the court of his brother John Casimir.

This decision created many difficulties with his relatives, who were totally against the union. However, on 10 February 1637 they finally made a contract who make this union as morganatic.

Under the terms of these contract, the prince's wife obtain all the rights of a legitimate spouse, but maintained her in her rank as member of the old nobility, without raising her to the Princely rank, comital or barionial nobility. George Aribert als promised not to ask the Emperor to raise her status.

The children of the marriage were to be nobles only, and bear the name of "von Aribert"; they were denied any rights to Princely status, name, title or arms and also excluded from the succession to Anhalt. Nevertless, were assigned for them certain estates as well as a rent of 45,000 Thalers. The Estates ("Landstände") of Anhalt-Dessau confirmed the contract the next day (11 February) and promised never to recognize anyone excluded by the contract as Prince or Princess.

One month later, on 7 March George Aribert finally married with Johanna Elisabeth. They had five children: [ [ Complete Genealogy of the House of Ascania] ] [ [ Chronological Dates in Stoyan] ]
#Sophie von Aribert "(Countess of Bähringen since 6 February 1671)" (b. 1637 - d. Wülknitz, 23 May 1695), married on 3 December 1682 to Gebhard Siegfried Edler von Plotho und Engelmünster (d. Hanau, 31 August 1689).
#Dorothea Ariberte von Aribert (b. 16 October 1639 - d. Wörlitz, 3 May 1661).
#Christian Aribert von Aribert "(Count of Bähringen, Lord of Waldersee and Radegast since 6 February 1671)" (d. Koblenz, 14 July 1677).
#Eleonore von Aribert "(Countess of Bähringen since 6 February 1671)" (b. Wörlitz, 16 May 1642 - d. Baruth, 27 August 1677), married on 4 May 1675 to John George III, Count of Solms-Baruth.
#Johanna von Aribert (d. Wörlitz, November 1660).

George Aribert died with only thirty-seven years and all his lands reverted to Anhalt-Dessau.

Nevertheless, some years later (in 1660) his only Christian Aribert, wrote to his cousin John George (son of John Casimir) to dispute the validity of the contract and claim the rank of Prince of Anhalt. The Emperor issued a rescript to the princes of Anhalt in 1661 where he claimed that he wanted to uphold the contract but could not deny justice to Christian Aribert.

In the end, the Duke Ernest of Saxe-Gotha offered his mediation, and an agreement was reached on 6 February 1671 with the Princes of Anhalt. The agreement gave Christian Aribert the title of "Count of Bähringen, Lord of Waldersee and Radegast", and allowed him to style himself "Legitimate and only son of Prince George Aribert of Anhalt". As arms he was allowed to use the tradicionally bear of Anhalt impaling Waldersee. Also, his two surviving sisters Sophie and Eleonore were created "Countesses of Bähringen".

No opposition would be made to his elevation to the rank of Prince, as long as it was not that of prince of Anhalt. In case of extinction of the whole House of Anhalt in all male lines, they also had no opposition to him or his male-line legitimate heirs making a claim to the principality of Anhalt. However, Christian Aribert died unmarried and childless in 1677; her two sister both married in advanced ages and died without issue. [ [ Morganatic and Unequal Marriages in German Law] ]


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