- Valentine Warner
Valentine Warner is a
chef . He started his television career on the BBC in Autumn 2008 withWhat to Eat Now , a cookery programme based on his book of the same name.BBC bosses dubbed him "the Russell Brand of the kitchen"cite news|url=http://www.mirror.co.uk/celebs/latest/2008/03/17/new-tv-chef-valentine-warner-to-launch-career-on-bbc-this-autumn-89520-20353775/|title=Valentine Warner To Launch Career on BBC this Autumn|last=Jefferies|first=Mark|date=2008-03-17|work=
Daily Mirror |accessdate=2008-09-22] , an epithet he himself is baffled by. cite news|url=http://www.guardian.co.uk/lifeandstyle/2008/aug/17/chefs.foodanddrink|title=First, catch your dish...|last=Merritt|first=Stephanie|date=2008-08-17|work=The Guardian |accessdate=2008-09-22]In the BBC2 programme "What to Eat Now", Valentine Warner takes us on a mouth-watering, content-rich and beautifully filmed journey through the best of autumnal food. He charts the growth of his favourite foods from their first stirrings as seeds through to fully grown foods. Natural history filming techniques will capture the life-cycle of everything from rabbit to mackerel to pumpkin. The programme then follows Valentine as he brings each ingredient back from the river, sea, woodland and field, shore or highland and launches it into ovens, pans and barbecues. He cooks 3-4 dishes in each episode, both indoors and out.
Warner's father was diplomat Sir Frederick Warner who was British Ambassador to Japan from 1972 until 1975.
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