Pointsymmetric 3 character domain names

Pointsymmetric 3 character domain names

= Pointsymmetric 3 character domain names =

Pointsymmetric names consist of a special combination of alphanumeric characters allowing a 180° rotation without loss of the original appearance.
Point symmetry is sometimes called origin symmetry, because the origin is the central point around which a shape is symmetrical by rotation. A simple test to determine whether a figure has point symmetry or not, is to turn it upside-down and see if it still looks the same.A figure that has point symmetry is unchanged in appearance by a 180 degree rotation.

For the given total set of allowed characters in domain names:

abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 0123456789 -

Only 16 characters accept a « meaningfull » i.e. readable 180° rotational counterpart

The following table describes the (15*8=) 120 possible combinations of pointsymmetric 3 character domain name constructions.

Pointsymmetry and domain name branding

Pointsymmetric domain names are highly sought in contemporary marketing (viral marketing) as they can be displayed along roads and sidewalks and are readable from both directions.Pointsymmetric domain names are also suitable for satelite image marketing (displayed on rooftops, parking lots, cropfields...

Known pointsymmetric combinations are lol, oxo, sos, pod

ee also

*Symmetric group
*Three-letter acronym

External links

* SR-DNS by Wennig&Daubach http://www.n8u.com
* Symmetry Inversions by Scott Kim http://www.scottkim.com/inversions/index.html

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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