

company_name = Bivolino
company_type = Private
foundation = flagicon|Belgium Hasselt, Belgium (1954)
location = flagicon|Belgium Diepenbeek, Belgium, BE
key_people = Michel Byvoet, Founder
Carine Moitier, Co-founder
industry = Internet, eCommerce
products = Clothing
revenue = profit 1,250 Million Euro (2007)
operating_income= profit 0.100 Million Euro (2007)|net_income= profit 0.550 Million Euro (2007)
num_employees = 7 (2007)
company_slogan= "Customized shirts on the web"
homepage = []
Belgium-based customized clothing company, Bivolino offers e-custom fit apparel via the internet. They claim to be one of the eCommerce and mass customization pionneer for the whole clothing industry. They have received substantial media attention especially for their shirt configurator, including write-ups in some notable magazines like Bizz and Inside. The actions were also widely covered by the European radio and television stations.


Bivolino's website was launched in 1998, supported by more than 50 years fashion expertise. In the 60's, Bivolino was recognized to be one of the best well-known shirts in the Benelux. Their shirts were one of the first to be designed with a computer controlled sizing system. At that time more than 5.000.000 shirts came out of the Byvoet ShirtMaker factory. Today the internet, the customizable Bivosoft ™ technology and patented measurement technology Linosoft ™ make it possible to offer customers the opportunity to create their own style with unique biometric measurements.


Bivolino got the Starter Award 2004 for best starting company by [] . Two years later, in 2006 Bivolino won the silver [ Becommerce] Award.

ee also

* Fashion
* Design
* Prosumer
* Shirt
* Mass customization
* Made to measure
* Computer-aided design
* Open Innovation
* Supply chain
* Computer-aided manufacturing
* Image-based modeling and rendering


* [ Beep Knowledge System]
* [ Clickz]
* [ MadeForOne]
* [ Inside] (Dutch)
* [ Bizz] (Dutch)
* [ Kannaal Z] (Dutch)
* [ RTL 1900] (French)
* [ La Une] (French)
* [] (German)

External links

* [ Bivolino]
* [ BivolinoServices]

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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