Samori Marksman

Samori Marksman

Samori Tarik Marksman was born on October 27, 1947 on the island of St. Vincent in the Caribbean to Seville Providence and Stanley Marksman [ "Samori Marksman", The Samori Foundation] ] . He was a journalist, historian, political activist and professor. He was also the Program Director at radio station WBAI, 99.5 FM in New York City [ "A Memoriam," Covert Action Quarterly] ] [ "Farewell to Samori Marksman," WBAI, NY 99.5 FM] ] [ Boyd, Herb, "Samori Marksman: A Giant of a Man," The Black World Today, Apr. 5, 2006] ] . Under his leadership WBAI became to be known as the university of the airways—a place for the "news behind the news."

A strong advocate for the oppressed, Marksman’s popular programs “Behind the News” and “World View” on WBAI offered in-depth analyses of the news from a perspective that was largely absent from the mainstream press [ Katz, William Loren, "Samori Marksman: A Recollection and Appreciation,"] ] [ Goodman, Amy, "Tribute to Samori Marksman: A Man Who Democratized the Voices of the People," Democracy Now, Apr. 1, 1999] ] [ Moorehead, Monica, "Samori Marksman: Respected anti-imperialist journalist dies"] ] . He also brought to the radio voices of empowerment such as, Paul Robeson, John Henrik Clarke, Ivan Van Sertima, Louis Clayton Jones, Walter Rodney, Martin Luther King, Malcolm X, Kuame Nkrumah and Stokely Carmichael .

Born Stanley Marksman, he adopted the name Samori Tarik Marksman when he became a citizen of Guinea in the 1970s. His work with the Guinean revolution earned him the Croix de Chivalry award. During this period, Marksman also taught at the University of Liberia and the College of West Africa. He served as director of the privately funded African division of the New York based Pan African Skills Project, which recruited scientist and individuals with technological know-how to teach in Africa.

On his return to the United State from Africa, Marksman became founder and publisher of the magazine, Caribbean Perspective. He was also a frequent contributor to Covert Action Quarterly [ [ Brath, Elombe, and Marksman, Samori, "Interview with Laurent Kabila, President of Congo, on WBAI radio," Nov., 1998] ] and to the New York Amsterdam News. During the Grenada Revolution (1979--1983), he worked as a researcher and publicist for the government of Grenada, and was co-director to the documentary film, "Grenada: The Future Coming Toward Us" [ [ Information and Film Review for "Grenada: the Future Coming Toward Us"] ] . Mr. Marksman was also professor of journalism at Long Island University in New York City.

Samori Marksman was founder/co-founder of several organizations, including the African and Caribbean Rights Organization, the African Mobilization Committee and the Patrice Lumumba Coalition . These organizations often held community forums throughout the New York City area, but particularly in his beloved “People’s Republic of Brooklyn,” and in Harlem. The forums offered a platform to leaders of liberation struggles, the peace and environmental movements, and human rights activists.

Samori Marksman dies on March 23, 1999 [ [ Copage, Eric V., "NEIGHBORHOOD REPORT: WEST SIDE -- BUZZ; A Farewell to a Radio Comrade," New York Times, Apr. 4, 1999] ] .



* [ Kelly, Erin St. John, "Media Talk: WBAI Makes a Home on Wall Street," New York Times, June 15, 1998]
* [ "Remembering Samori Marksman," 2600 The Hacker Quarterly]

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