

Tigerhawk is the name of a fictional character in the Transformers universes.

Beast Wars

Transformers character
name = Tigerhawk

caption = Tigerhawk
affiliation = Maximal
subgroup = Transmetals
Transmetals II
Ultra Beasts
function = Vok Emissary
partner =
motto = "Violence will not be tolerated - surrender or be destroyed."
alternatemodes = Transmetal II/
White Bengal Tiger-Peregrine Falcon Fuzor
series = "Beast Wars"
engvoice = Blu Mankuma
japanvoice =

Tigerhawk is a fictional character from the "" TV series (1996-1999), storyline and toy line. [http://www.unicron.us/tf1999/toypics/tigerhawk.htm]

Animated Series

He is the fused form of the Maximals Tigatron and Airazor. The two were abducted by an alien race called the Vok in season two, and were brought to the Vok stronghold known as "Nexus Zero". Later, when Megatron's actions endangered the time stream, the sparks of both Maximals were extracted and their bodies merged and modified into a transmetal II fuzor form. Possessed by the Vok and without a spark, Tigerhawk journeyed to Earth, with the disembodied sparks of Tigatron and Airazor in close pursuit.

Tigerhawk destroyed the Predacon base, the crashed transwarp ship "Darkside", upon arrival. Tigerhawk's alien powers to control the elements, coupled with incredible strength and firepower, overwhelmed Megatron and his Predacons. However, Tigerhawk was captured by Tarantulas, who removed the pair of Vok in his attempt to make a drone out of the powerful body and transfer their power to himself, but they quickly turned on the Predacon and forced their way into him. Panicking, Tarantulas opened fire on the Vok, but his shots went right through them and struck his own device, turning it around so that it fired on him instead, presumably killing him and the two Vok.

With the help of Cheetor, Tigatron and Airazor's sparks merged within Tigerhawk, forming a new warrior to aid the Maximals. Unfortunately, Tigerhawk perished shortly thereafter, when Megatron took control of the ancient Decepticon battleship, the Nemesis. Despite his immense powers, he was unable to stop the ship during his desperate attempt to stop Megatron. In retaliation, the Predacon leader unleashed a full power blast from the ship's main fusion cannon at Tigerhawk. Even his energy powers were unable to hold back the blast and Tigerhawk perished.

There is some speculation to the “gender” of Tigerhawk, being created from a fusion of both a male and female Cybertronian. He is usually considered masculine as he has a definite male physical appearance, personality and voice (Tigatron’s voice, actually). This is further supported by the toy which, like the Optimal Optimus and Dragon Megatron models, sported a secondary spark chamber, which presumably housed Airazor’s spark.

3H Enterprises

In the "Beast Wars: Primeval Dawn" comic, Tigerhawk's spark is separated back into Tigatron and Airazor, as the two are sent to aid Primal Prime in the battle against Tarantulas.

Manga version

Known as Tigerfalcon in Japan, he was an "evolved" form of Tigatron when Airazor transferred her spark into his body. As a result, Tigatron was transformed into Tigerfalcon, who helped dispose of the massive Destron (Predacon) army that was revived by Megatron.

Transformers: Universe

In the comic Tigatron and Airazor came back in separate Transmetal forms. The character of Razorclaw, a version of Tigerhawk from a parallel dimension was the leader of the Decepticons who served Unicron.


* Beast Wars Tigerhawk (1999):Tigerhawk, featuring retractable wings, firing missiles (x2), and a retractable 'mutant' hawk head which slipped over the normal tiger head in Beast Mode. Unlike most of the transmetal figures released, Tigerhawk featured no alternate third/vehicle mode. Also, a new larger transparent neon-green Spark crystal was incorporated into the design, which either rested in his chest in beast mode, or on his right shoulder in robot mode. [http://www.bwtf.com/bw/toys/reviews/tigerhawk/]

* Universe Mega-sized Razorclaw (2003):The same mold as the Tigerhawk figure above, but with a new color scheme (black, purple, dark red) and released under the "" line. [http://www.bwtf.com/universe/razorclaw/]


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