Mikael Höglund

Mikael Höglund

Mikael Höglund (born 15 May 1962) is a Swedish bass player, previously of the bands Tryckvåg, Great King Rat[1] and Thunder, appearing on the 1995 album Behind Closed Doors, Live Circuit and Their Finest Hour...and a bit.

He appears on the 2005 album by Audiovision, The Calling.

Other albums that Mikael Höglund appears on: Great King Rat - Great King Rat, Great King Rat - Out Of The Can, Jekyll & Hyde - Fallen Angel, A Tribute to Grand Funk Railroad, Alfonzetti - Machine, Sweet Tribute - Sweet According To Sweden" "Beautiful Grey - Fine Forever".


  1. ^ Hagen, Anki Van Der (7 February 2007). Backstagepassin'. Lulu.com. p. 66. ISBN 9781847282712. http://books.google.com/books?id=J-iheARajbkC&pg=PA66. Retrieved 1 June 2010.