Flor Silvestre

Flor Silvestre

Infobox Film
name = Flor Silvestre
director = Emilio Fernández
producer = Agustin J. Fink
writer = Emilio Fernández
Mauricio Magdaleno
starring = Dolores del Rio
Pedro Armendáriz
Miguel Ángel Ferríz
Fernando Soto LaMarina
Mimí Derba
music = Francisco Domínguez
cinematography = Gabriel Figueroa
editing = Jorge Bustos
distributor = Films Mundiales
released =
runtime = 94 minutes
country = México
language = Spanish
budget =
amg_id =
imdb_id = 0035890

"Flor Silvestre", is a Mexican movie of 1942, directed by Emilio Fernández and starring by Dolores del Rio and Pedro Armendáriz. Is the first Mexican movie of Dolores del Rio after his career in Silent and Golden Age's Hollywood Films. It's the first movie of an extended collaboration between Fernández-Del Rio-Armendáriz, Gabriel Figueroa (cinematography) and Mauricio Magdaleno (writer).


Esperanza (Dolores del Rio), a young and beautiful woman, narrates to his son his history across the Mexican Revolution.

External Links

*imdb title|0035890

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