Gregorio Garavito Jiménez

Gregorio Garavito Jiménez

infobox bishopbiog
name = Gregorio Garavito Jiménez, S.M.M.

religion=Roman Catholic Church
See = Archiocese of Villavicencio
Title = Archbishop of Archiocese of Villavicencio
Period = 1969 - 1994
Predecessor = Frans Joseph Bruls Canisius
Successor = Alfonso Cabezas Aristizábal
ordination = July 24 1942
post = Priest | date of birth = birth date and age|1919|3|9
place of birth = Junín, Colombia

Gregorio Garavito Jiménez S.M.M. , (born March 9 1919) is a Colombian Prelate of Roman Catholic Church. Currenlty one of oldest Colombian Roman Catholic bishops.

Gregorio Garavito Jiménez was born in Junín, Colombia, ordained a priest on July 24 1942 from the religious order of Missionaries of the Company of Mary. Jiménez was appointed Auxiliary bishop of the Archiocese of Villavicencio as well as Titular bishop of Cyparissia on Decemeber 4 1961 and ordained bishop on February 11 1962. Appointed Archbishop of the Archiocese of Villavicencio on April 26 1969 and retiring on May 3 1994.

ee Also

*List of oldest Catholic bishops
* Archiocese of Villavicencio

External Links

* [ Catholic-Hierarchy]

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