

SimpleTemplate is a Java-based template engine. Compared to JSP, its main advantage is the clear separationof page code (most often HTML) and java code.

Hello World

The following template:

Hello {VAR XX}

processed by SimpleTemplate and the following java code:

TemplateEngine.stFilenamePrefix = "c:/franksordner/dev/SimpleTemplate/examples/";TemplateEngine engine = new TemplateEngine(); engine.useTemplate("Hello.tpl"); engine.setVariable("XX","World!");StringBuffer outb = engine.createOutput();FileWriter fw = new FileWriter("./output/Hello.html");fw.write(outb.toString());fw.close();

will produce the following text:

Hello World!Note that this example is very simple. The power of a good templateengine will manifest itself as soon as more complex operations, such asiterative Sections are used. See [ this] example to appreciate the usefulness of SimpleTemplate.

External links

* [ SimpleTemplate]

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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