Vincenzo Licciardi

Vincenzo Licciardi

Vincenzo Licciardi (born June 27, 1965) is the boss of the Licciardi clan, and one of the main leaders of the Secondigliano Alliance, a Camorra crime syndicate operating in Naples and the surrounding Campania region. His nickname is "'o Chiatto" (Fatso). [ [ Biggest Mafia Bust Since 'Pizza Connection'] ]


Early career

Born and raised in the Neapolitan suburb of Secondigliano, Licciardi was from a powerful family of Camorristi going back a few generations. His father was a well known "Guappo" or local boss in the 1950's. In 1994, Licciardi became the regent of the Licciardi clan whose traditional strongholds included not only its home base in the district of Secondigliano, but also to Scampia, Chiaiano, Miano and San Pietro a Patierno. The clan was previously headed by his brother, Gennaro Licciardi, nicknamed "'a scigna" (The monkey), died of blood poisoning while in the in the prison of Voghera on August 3, icon [ MAXIOPERAZIONE CONTRO IL CLAN LICCIARDI DI SECONDIGLIANO. IN MANETTE SONO FINITE 44 PERSONE] ]

However, an arrest in the mid-nineties prevented him from taking control and propelled his sister Maria Licciardi into the top spot as boss of the Licciardi clan, and therefore, as head of the Secondigliano Alliance, a coalition of powerful Camorra clans which controls drug trafficking and the extortion rackets against shopkeepers in many Neapolitan suburbs. Under her leadership, the Secondigliano Alliance become more organized, secretive, sophisticated and consequently more powerful. [ Godmother sends deadly message to her Mafia rivals] ]

Camorra boss

After the arrest of his sister in June 15, 2001, Licciardi took over as the supreme head of the Secondigliano Alliance, which apart from the dominant Licciardi clan, consisted of the Contini, Mallardo and Lo Russo clans. The preceding gang wars between the many Camorra clans that constituted the alliance, led to a severe weakening of the confederation as well as unwanted police attention on its activities. Like his sister, Vincenzo was very cautious and never used the phone to communicate with his underlings, instead using small handwritten encrypted notes, similar to the Pizzini used by the Corleonesi boss, Bernardo Provenzano. Throughout his reign, Licciardi's main activity covered the illegal trafficking of clothing, which due to a sophisticated international network, which has also allowed the laundering of money from other criminal activities such as drug trafficking and extortion.

Evading justice

Licciardi became wanted by the Italian police in 2003, after having served a year in prison for a previous conviction. The following year, in July 2004, an arrest warrant was issued against him for conspiracy to commit murder, and a list of other crimes. He was also added to the list of thirty most dangerous fugitives in Italy. In 2005, an international warrant was issued and his name was included in the "special program of research" in the direction of the Central Criminal Police. While a fugitive, Licciardi had managed to evade capture on at least three occasions, once fleeing through the network of sewers. Several sightings of Licciardi were reported abroad, particularly in Portugal, Spain and icon [ Camorra, polizia arresta boss latitante Licciardi] ] He allegedly travelled to these places in order to maintain contacts with the Magliari clan, which controls many drug routes in Europe. [it icon [ Detenido Vincenzo Licciardi, uno de los jefes de la Camorra más buscados] ]


After five years on the run, Licciardi was arrested on February 7, 2008, in Cuma, near the metropolitan city of Naples. He was found hiding in the apartment of a couple of distant relatives, where he lived with his wife. During his arrest, he surrendered peacefully and offered no resistance. The identification of shelter was made possible through the use of sophisticated technologies. [ [ FBI, Italian Police Raid Mafia Clans, Dozens Nabbed In Trans-Atlantic Sting Targeting Gambino Family For Crimes Dating Back To 70s - CBS News] ] Licciardi's arrest came around the same time as that of a massive anti-Mafia sweep in Italy and the United States. A large anti-Mafia operation code-named "Old Bridge" involved arrest warrants issued against a total of ninety mafiosi and mob associates of key Italian and US families who controlled drug trafficking between the two sides of the Atlantic. [ [ Italy, U.S. target Mafia in massive raids] ]

When Licciardi was being escorted to prison by police officials, there were parapiglia, shouting, jostling and moments of tension by Licciardi's relatives as well as the relatives of other Camorristi. After his arrest, Licciardi was succeeded by Gennaro Cirelli as boss of the can. [it icon [ Camorra, blitz della Polizia: preso il superlatitante Licciardi] ]

Pietro Grasso, a national anti-mafia prosecutor commented on the arrest of Licciardi: "Licciardi's arrest is another success in the capture of fugitives opposing clans that have led in recent years Secondigliano of the feud. There has moved forward in the complete destruction of the clan that up to today have caused dozens of deaths in the streets of Naples. The capture of Licciardi, for the brilliant way in which it was executed by the police, thus represents a step forward in the fight against the Camorra. [it icon [ Camorra, in manette il boss Licciardi] ]


On June 15, 2008, his younger sister Patrizia and his brother-in-law Eduardo Marano, known as "dino dinuccio" were arrested by the Carabinieri and charged with the aggravated extortion of an entrepreneur from Casoria. The enterprenuer was contemplating suicide, and had complained to the carabinieri of the attempted extortion. The two had long been controlled by the policemen who were later arrested, due to the enterpreneur's collaboration. [it icon [ ESTORSIONE, CONFERMATI ARRESTI CLAN DI TERRACINA] ]

On July 9, 2008, five months after his arrest, 44 people linked to Licciardi clan were arrested in a maxi-blitz by the mobile squad of Naples in collaboration with the Department of Prevention and Crime. The 44 people arrested by State Police were accused of conspiracy to murder to drug trafficking, possession of weapons and port, aiding aggravated, forgery equipment and attempted aggravated robbery. Vincenzo Licciardi, who was already in prison at the time, was also charged with the aforementioned crimes. The blitz was conducted as a result of investigations that last February led to the arrest of Vincenzo Licciardi. [it icon [ Camorra, blitz contro il clan Licciardi, 44 arresti] ]

An anti-camorra blitz was also undertaken by the men of the Guardia di Finanza di Napoli in Naples and the surrounding town of Frosinone, who seized property, commercial companies, companies, shares of stakes in companies, apartments, buildings, land, cars, Motorcycles, with a total estimated value of 300 million euros. In the aftermath of the blitz's, the police implemented an order for remand in prison handed down by GIP of Naples, at the request of local District Anti-Mafia Directorate, against Licciardi and several affiliated criminal organization that control the drug trafficking and extortion rackets in North icon [ MAXIOPERAZIONE CONTRO IL CLAN LICCIARDI DI SECONDIGLIANO. IN MANETTE SONO FINITE 44 PERSONE] ]


External links

*it icon [ arresto del latitante vincenzo licciardi] - AOL Video

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