Baron Kriminel

Baron Kriminel

Baron Kriminel is a much feared spirit or Lwa in the Haitian Vodou religion. He is envisioned as a murderer who has been condemned to death. He is invoked to pronounce swift judgment. When a person becomes possessed by Baron Kriminel they shout obscenities, spit and try to stab surrounding people with knives. If, during possession, Baron Kriminel is presented with food he does not like, he will bite chunks out of the arms of the person he has possessed. He sometimes calls for sacrifices of black chickens to be dowsed in petrol and set alight; the shrieking they make as they are burned alive is said to appeal to his cruel nature and appease him.

He is often represented by Saint Martin de Porres. His colours include, black, purple, white and deep blood red.

Baron Kriminel will often grant requests in lieu, he is said to return on fet gede to claim payment.

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