Swartwout — ist der Familienname folgender Personen: John Swartwout (1770–1823), US amerikanischer Kaufmann und Politiker Samuel Swartwout (1783–1856), US amerikanischer Soldat, Händler, Spekulant und Politiker Diese Seite ist eine Begriffsklärung zur Un … Deutsch Wikipedia
Swartwout-Hoyt scandal — The Swartwout Hoyt scandal arose from corruption in the Office of the Collector of the Port of New York.In 1829, President Andrew Jackson appointed Samuel Swartwout to serve as Collector of the Port of New York. Nine years later, in 1838, it came … Wikipedia
John Swartwout — (* vermutlich wenige Tage vor seiner Taufe am 2. Oktober 1770 in Poughkeepsie; † 7. September 1823 in New York) war ein amerikanischer Kaufmann und Politiker. Leben Swartwout war ein Spross der weitverzweigten niederländischen Familie Swartwout,… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Jesse Hoyt — (June 28, 1792 New Canaan, Fairfield County, Connecticut March 17, 1867) was an American lawyer and politician from New York. Life He was the son of Goold Hoyt and Sarah (Reid) Hoyt. He removed to Albany, New York, and became a merchant but… … Wikipedia
List of United States Supreme Court cases, volume 35 — This is a list of all the United States Supreme Court cases from volume 35:SCOTUSTable | data =SCOTUSRow case name = John Dubois Lessee of Oliver Wolcott v. Andrew D Hepburn page = 1 decision date = decision year =SCOTUSRow case name = Owings et… … Wikipedia
Ex parte Bollman — SCOTUSCase Litigants=Ex parte Bollman ArgueDate= ArgueYear= DecideDate=February 20 DecideYear=1807 FullName=Ex parte Erick Bollman and Ex parte Samuel Swartwout USVol=8 USPage=75 Citation=8 U.S. (4 Cranch) 75; 2 L. Ed. 554; 1807 U.S. LEXIS 369… … Wikipedia
Texan schooner Invincible — The Texas schooner Invincible was one of the four schooners of the First Texas Navy (1836 1838). She began her service in January, 1836 and immediately began attacking ships supplying the Mexican army in Texas, including capturing the United… … Wikipedia
Aaron Burr — – Gemälde von John Vanderlyn, 1802. Sammlung der New York Historical Society Aaron Burr (* 6. Februar 1756 in Newark, New Jersey; † 14. September 1836 in Port Richmond, Staten Island, New York) war ein amerikanischer Jurist und … Deutsch Wikipedia
List of United States Supreme Court cases, volume 44 — This is a list of all the United States Supreme Court cases from volume 44:SCOTUSTable | data =SCOTUSRow case name = Andrew Aldridge v. Nathaniel F Williams page = 9 decision date = decision year = 1833SCOTUSRow case name = James Barry v.… … Wikipedia
Burr–Hamilton duel — An artistic rendering of the July 11, 1804 duel between Aaron Burr and Alexander Hamilton by J. Mund. The Burr–Hamilton duel was a duel between two prominent American politicians, the former Secretary of the Treasury Alexander Hamilton and… … Wikipedia