Concept-X 6-1-2 Turn X

Concept-X 6-1-2 Turn X

The Concept-X 6-1-2 (Concept-X Project-6 Division-1 Block-2) Turn X is a fictional weapon from the nihongo|CC|正暦|Seireki calendar system in the anime Turn A Gundam.

Concept-X 6-1-2 (Concept-X Project-6 Division-1 Block-2) Turn X

As the war continued to rage between the Moonrace and Earth, on the Moon the political situation was changing just as rapidly; an alliance headed by Gym Ghingnham and Agrippa Maintainer was attempting a coup against Queen Dianna Soriel. During this time, Gym became obsessed with learning about the Dark History and began several excavations on the Moon's surface to uncover evidence of that era. His excavations on the Moon yielded several mobile suits: the Turn X for his personal use, and several G-M1F (XM-0754) Bandit units for his pilot Merrybell Gadget. The prior history of the Turn X is just as much as a mystery as the Turn A's is, however Gym did state that the Turn X is the "brother" unit to the Turn A.

A more detailed history is given in the Newtype 100% collection 41 "∀ Gundam" Vol.2, Kadokawa Shoten, where it is said that Turn X is made by humans long ago who imigrated to other systems for intergalactic travels, the one seen in the show either malfunctioned or was damaged and drifted to earth more than 2345 years before the show. The Earthlings at that time were horrified by the fact that such advance technology existed and far surpassed their capabilities, and they figured that if such a technologically advanced civilization were to hit them with full force, they will have no chance of victory. Therefore they built Turn A Gundam by reverse engineering of the Turn X. [Newtype 100% collection 41 "∀ Gundam" Vol.2, Kadokawa Shoten, ISBN 4-04-853317-7] Then, the Earth was divided into 2 factions, one possesses Turn X and one possesses the Turn A Gundam, and a war between both sides began. Eventually, the full power of the two suits are released, and the ensuing conflict and a series of political decisions related to it led to all traces of technology between the Earth and Jupiter (save the civilizations on the moon) being completely wiped out. It was also at some point during this final war that the Turn X was defeated in battle by the Turn A and received the X shaped mark that it continued to bear on its chest throughout the rest of its history and use. These events are assumed to have led to the beginning of C.C. 0001.Fact|date=November 2007

As a fighting machine, the Turn X was superior to any machine existing at the time (even the System-∀99 (WD-M01) ∀ Gundam ("Turn A" Gundam) ). Its unique construction allowed it to break apart into seven smaller pieces with each one functioning as an individual weapon; Turn X lacked a right hand but in its place was an arm with manipulator possessing three beam emitters as well as the Shining Finger attack; other armaments included a bazooka and a beam rifle. Like its "brother" unit, the Turn A, it too possesses the Moonlight Butterfly attack, capable of sucking energy out of all other units. However, this attack cannot be accomplished alone by both Turn X and Turn A when they first appeared in the show. It is said that the attack has 3 requirements, the nano-machines, the energy to use them and finally the program to activate it. Turn X only have the energy and is missing either the nano-machines or the program, and has to rob the nano-machine or hack into the Turn A system to copy the program(which took place in either Episode 43 or 45, when Turn X got hold of Turn A) [Turn A Mook, Newtype 100% Collection, Turn A Gundam volume 2] and Turn A having only the program and nano-machines but not the energy to prolong usage. [SD Gundam G-Generation series]

Gym would use the Turn X throughout the end of the Earth-Moonrace conflict, until he had a final showdown with Loran Cehack in the Turn A. When both mobile suits used their Moonlight Butterfly systems during that battle, they were both encased in a large cocoon; Loran was able to escape, but Gym was enveloped with the Mobile Suits.


Concept-X 6-1-2 (Concept-X Project-6 Division-1 Block-2) Turn X

* Manufacturer: civilizations of outside the solar system
* Operator: Ghingnham Fleet
* Unit Type: mobile suit
* Dimensions: overall height: 20.5 meters
* Weight: base weight: 30.2 metric tons, full weight: 50.6 metric tons
* Power Generator Type: unknown
* Power Generator Output: 68000 kW (± 5000-500000+ kW) (W conversion, estimate)
* Armor Materials: unidentified
* Drive Model: I-field beam drive (also used I-field barrier)
* Equipment: moonlight butterfly system, psycommu system "Bloody Seeds", core block system "Turn X-Top" (also used Kailashgiri controller)
* Armament: the back: back weapon platform "Charavas" (beam rifle x 1, bazooka x 1, others), right hand: weld-off/destruction manipulator "Shining Finger" x 1, beam emitter x 3, wire claw x 3, legs: mega particle cannon x 2
* Pilot: Gym Ghingnham


Although never referred to as such in the series itself, the attack where Turn X separates into its component pieces and attacks is always called 'Bloody Siege' when it appears in SD Gundam G Generation games. In the Super Robot Wars series, it is known as All-Range Weld-Off.

A concept of Turn X comes from MSN-02 Zeong of Mobile Suit Variations.

See also

* WD-M01 Turn A Gundam
* MSN-02 Zeong


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