

Bajarwala is a small village of Gujrat District in the province of Punjab, Pakistan. Bajarwala is located near the town of Dinga and its latitude and longitude is 32°65'31N, 73°68'27E. Bajarwala is about 140 km from the capital city of Islamabad.


Most of the people are farmer by profession. More than 25 % people of Bajarwla are settled in USA, Canada, England, France, Spain, Italy, Netherland, UAE and Saudi Arabia. People in abroad are supporting financially back home thier families and relatives.


Most of the people of Bajarwala belong to (chechi)Gujjar cast. The other casts in Bajarwala are Darzi, Kasbi, Machi, Mochi, Naie and Raien.


The literacy rate of Bajarwala is more than 95%. There are two primay schools and one girls high school. There is also Madrasah for girls where totally free education is offered.


The numbers of voters of Bajarwala are more than 700. In previous election most votes were cast for PMLQ and PMLN.

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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