Ezekiel Ox

Ezekiel Ox

Infobox musical artist 2
Name = Ezekiel Ox
Background =

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Birth_name =
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Born = Colac, Victoria [ [http://www.geelongadvertiser.com.au/article/2008/08/28/17666_echo_features.html Geelong Advertiser] Mammal: live and dangerous] , Australia
Genre = hard rock
Occupation = Singer, Songwriter, Actor
Years_active =
Instrument = Vocals, Guitar
Label =
Associated_acts = Mammal, Full Scale, Ezekiel Ox and the Fury

Ezekiel Ox is an Australian entertainer. He is currently the singer for Mammal and was previously the singer for Full Scale.


He has a background in opera and musical theatre and studied for three years at Western Australian Academy of Performing Arts in its musical theatre course. [http://www.thescene.com.au/Music/Features/MAMMAL-INTERVIEW/ The Scene] The thoughts of Chairman Zeke]

Full Scale

see main article Full Scale

For nine and a half years Ox was the lead singer for Full Scale. [ [http://www.fasterlouder.com.au/features/4891/Ezekiel-Ox-Evolution-of-a-revolutionary.htm fasterlouder] Ezekiel Ox - Evolution of a revolutionary] Starting out as '"Full Scale Deflection"' in 1998, Full Scale was an alternative-metal band from Perth, Western Australia. After a series of Eps they released their full length debut in 2005 and broke up later that year.


see main article Mammal

Mammal are an Australian band that formed in March 2006. Known for their live shows they have released two full length albums, a live album "Vol 1: The Aural Underground" and a studio album "The Majority".


In 2003 Ox released an EP called "Winter In Suburbia".

Ezekiel Ox and the Fury

Ox is the singer and guitarist for Ezekiel Ox and the Fury. Other members are Ben Brennan and Domonic Italiano. They have recorded an album "Guitars Die In Hot Cars".

Other work

Ox is a member of the band Spontrockers. He performed a series of spoken word shows called "RANT!" [ [http://thedwarf.com.au/nd/news/national/ezekiel_ox_rants The Dwarf] Ezekiel Ox Rants!] He has appeared in plays and musicals such as "Hedwig and the Angry Inch", [ [http://www.liveguide.com.au/Arts_and_Theatres/594932/Hedwig_and_the_Angry_Inch_starring_Ezekiel_Ox/Hedwig_and_the_Angry_Inch?event_id=594932#details liveguide] Hedwig and the Angry Inch] "Tartuffe", [ [http://www.beat.com.au/article.php?id=1198 Beat Magazine] Tartuffe] "Mamma Mia!" and "Shane Warne The Musical". [http://www.thescene.com.au/Music/Features/MAMMAL-INTERVIEW/ The Scene] The thoughts of Chairman Zeke]


External Links

[http://www.reachout.com.au/default.asp?ti=2512 Reach Out] Ezekiel Ox - Mammal

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