Jan Grauls

Jan Grauls

Infobox Officeholder
honorific-prefix =H.E.
name =Jan Grauls
birth_date =Birth date and age|1948|2|12|df=y
honorific-suffix =

imagesize =200px
office =Permanent Representative to the United Nations for Belgium
country =
term_start =June 2008
term_end =
predecessor =
successor =
president = |

Jan Grauls, born 12 February 1948, is the Permanent Representative to the United Nation for Belgium. He is married and has three daughters and one son. He began his appointment June 2008. [http://www.un.org/News/Press/docs/2008/bio3990.doc.htm United Nations Press Release - Jan Grauls] , retrieved 2008-09-18]


Grauls was educated at the Saint Berchmans Jesuit College in Brussels. He studied Law at the University of Antwerp and at the Catholic University of Louvain.


Grauls' diplomatic career started in 1973. He held successive diplomatic assignments in Bonn, Tunis, the European Union, permanent representation in Brussels, London and Washington, D.C. From 2002 to 2007, he served as the Secretary-General of the Belgium Ministry for Foreign Affairs, and in 2001, the Foreign Minister’s Chef de Cabinet. From 1997 to 2001, he held the Ministry’s post of Director General for Bilateral and Economic Relations. In the late 1980s and 1990s, Grauls was diplomatic adviser to the Prime Minister (1988-1991) and, on secondment to the Royal Palace from 1994-1997, as Deputy Chef de Cabinet and diplomatic adviser to the King of Belgium.

ee also

*List of Permanent Representatives to the UN


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