Big Brother Germany (Season 7)

Big Brother Germany (Season 7)

Big Brother endgame
seriesname = Big Brother
series = Season 7 (2007)
previous = Big Brother Germany (Season 6)
next = Big Brother Germany (Season 8)
imagebg =
hm1 = Michael
hm1-enter = Day 1
hm1-exit = Day 148
hm1-stat = winner
hm1-veto =
hm2 = Sonja
hm2-enter = Day 1
hm2-exit = Day 148
hm2-stat = runner
hm2-veto =
hm3 = Katrin
hm3-enter = Big Brother endgame/2values|Day 1|Day 57
hm3-exit = Big Brother endgame/2values|Day 71|Day 148
hm3-stat = runner
hm3-veto =
hm4 = Leon
hm4-enter = Day 1
hm4-exit = Day 148
hm4-stat = runner
hm4-veto =
hm5 = Knubbel
hm5-enter = Day 50
hm5-exit = Day 148
hm5-stat = runner
hm5-veto =
hm6 = Janine
hm6-enter = Day 64
hm6-exit = Day 141
hm6-stat = evic
hm6-veto =
hm7 = Eddy
hm7-enter = Day 1
hm7-exit = Day 127
hm7-stat = evic
hm8 = Basti
hm8-enter = Day 1
hm8-exit = Day 120
hm8-stat = evic
hm9 = Doreen
hm9-enter = Day 50
hm9-exit = Day 106
hm9-stat = evic
hm10 = Oliver
hm10-enter = Day 3
hm10-exit = Day 92
hm10-stat = evic
hm11 = Sinan
hm11-enter = Day 22
hm11-exit = Day 78
hm11-stat = evic
hm12 = Sheila
hm12-enter = Day 5
hm12-exit = Day 71
hm12-stat = walk
hm13 = Ines
hm13-enter = Day 5
hm13-exit = Day 64
hm13-stat = evic
hm14 = Natasha
hm14-enter = Day 36
hm14-exit = Day 57
hm14-stat = evic
hm15 = Jeannine
hm15-enter = Day 3
hm15-exit = Day 50
hm15-stat = evic
hm16 = Anna
hm16-enter = Day 1
hm16-exit = Day 36
hm16-stat = evic
hm17 = Christian
hm17-enter = Day 1
hm17-exit = Day 21
hm17-stat = evic
legendwinner = Winner
legendrunner = Runner Up
legendevic = Evicted
legendwalk = Walked
Season Seven of Big Brother Germany lasted for 148 days from 05 February, 2008 to 07 July, 2008 and was shown on RTL II.

eason Summary

After a disappointing sixth season, which was supposed to run forever but was cut short and a year break the producers decided to return with a "Back to the rules"-format for season seven with 12 housemates living together in one house and the only twist being that the housemates had to earn the prize. For every match a certain amount of money was put in the jackpot with the maximum being 250,000€ which only the winner would receive.

However as it seemed the producers were changing the rules for nominations and therefor the criterio for being up for eviction on every single round (once the housemates had to perform on several competitions, another time a single person was allowed to nominated someone else and so on) just for the sake of saving unpopular but entertaining houesmates such as Erdal Ayebe, knwon was Eddy on the show. Ayebe became unpopular with both his fellow housemates and viewers for being a bully and chauvinist towards women. He can easily be considered as the least liked person during the entire show yet he made it to the second to last round of nominations because the twists always working in his favor. He got voted off three weeks before the final just for returning to the show in the final week. His main targets have been Kathrin Schlosser, who voluntary left because of that and was allowed to in a public vote to re-enter the competition, and Michael Carstensen. On his stay as a "guest" Ayebe tried to provoke the two which was problaby one of the reasons Carstensen won the season and Schlosser achieving the 2nd runner up posision with earning the viewers sympathies.

Not really being a ratings Hit, Season Seven at least lived up to the low expectations RTL II had and an eight Season was greenlighted right at the end of the show.


Original Housemates:
*Anna Masaracchia, 31 from Munich
*Christian Dorn, 26 from Marl
*Erdal "Eddy" Ayebe, 28 from Krefeld
*Ines Gebhard, 31 from Grabsdorf
*Jeannine Emmel-Ehmsen, 24 from Hamburg
*Kathrin Schlosser, 32 from Hiltenfingen
*Leon Schreiber, 24 fro Krailling
*Michael Carstensen, 34 from Viöl
*Oliver Hofmann, 30 from Schneverdingen
*Sebastian "Basti" Wrzosek, 24 from Düsseldorf
*Sheila Schmidt, 19 from Herne
*Sonja Ailler, 20 fro GriesstaettIntruders:
*Sinan Karaaslan, 29 from Duisburg
*Natalie "Natasha" Root, 25 from Deckenpfronn
*Doreen Heineke, 24 from Jena
*Andreas "Knubbel" Büttgenbach, 45 from Bonn
*Janine Schmelz, 20 from Kirchhain

Nominations Table

* fnb|1As the Golden Housemate of the Week, Oliver had the option to nominate a second person that would automatically up for eviction. He chose to take this offer and nominated Leon.
* fnb|2As new Housemate, Sinan had to nominate one person that would be automatically up for eviction. He chose Sheila.
* fnb|3Anna, Basti and Eddy were banned from nominating as punishment for discussing nominations.
* fnb|4As a new Housemate, Natasha was immune from getting nominated.
Sheila was automatically nominated after losing a football competition.
Jeannine was automatically nominated for having after achieving the last place in a karaoke competition.
Eddy receive a nominations point from the viewers.

* fnb|5For constant rule-braking by the household Big Brother decided to organize a snap eviction with the person who received the most votes immediately evicted.
As new housemates, Doreen and Knubbel were immune from getting evicted.

* fnb|6Nominations were voluntary, so only two Housemates nominated this week. However, as the Golden Housemate of the Week, Basti had to nominate a second person that would face the public vote. He chose Oliver.
* fnb|7As a new Housemate, Janine was immune from getting nominated.
Nominations were done in Eurovision Style, where every Housemate had to give 9 nomination points to their favourite Housemate, 8 for their second favourite all the way down to 1 point for their least favourite. The bottom three was nominated for eviction.

* fnb|8As the Golden Housemate of the Week, Eddy was immune from getting nominated. Next to this, all the females were immune.
Nominations were done face-to-face. As there was a tie for the third nomination place Eddy, as the Golden Housemate, had to choose the third nominee from either Basti or Oliver, who both received one nomination point. He chose Oliver.

* fnb|9As he came last in the marathon match, Knubbel was automatically nominated.
This weeks nominations were made by the housemates mothers (and Knubbels sister).
After the Housemates refused to complete their weekly task Big Brother decided that an extra Housemate should be up for evcition three days after the voting started. The Housemates each had to nominate someone for eviction. Eddy and Knubbel could not be nominated as they are already up for eviction. Doreen received the most nominations with 3 and was up for eviction with Eddy and Knubbel.

* fnb|10The audience voted for Eddy as being immune from getting nominated.
* fnb|11This weeks nominations were made by the public. The housemate then had to decide whom of the top 3 vote getters would be evicted.

ee Also

*Main Article about the show

External Links

* [ Official Homepage]
* [ Housemate pictures, Nominations and Evictions]
* [ All profiles if the housemates season 8] (german)

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